开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Serpentine Pavilion 2018 - Guided Tour\n\nEven t Type: Technical visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Construction & building servic es\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : For the 6th year running\, AECOM wa s on board as Technical Advisor for the Pavilion\, working in collaboratio n with Frida Escobedo\,\nSerpentine Galleries\, Stage One and David Glover to deliver the 2018 Serpentine Architecture Programme.\nAmy Koerbel\, one of the structural designers behind this\nyear&rsquo\;s cool and calm encl osed courtyard\, will act as tour guide\, sharing some\nof the stories abo ut the making of this year&rsquo\;s Pavilion project and how we\nworked as a project team to seamlessly incorporate the technical solutions that\ntr ansformed Frida&rsquo\;s initial architectural concept into a built realit y in just\n24 weeks. \n\nTour Invite: \;SGP 2018 - Guided Tour Invite\ n\n\n\n \;Timings\n\n\n\n17:00 \; \; Meet at\nSerpentine Pavil ion\; Guided tour led by Amy Koerbel &ndash\; contact number 07919305277 \ n18:00 \; \; Pavilion closes\n/ end of tour.\n \;\nNotes\n&nbs p\;\nThere is a café\; at the Pavilion where refreshments can be\npu rchased and there are plenty of suitable venues around Hyde Park should yo u\nwish to socialise after the tour.\n\nIf you would like more information on the Pavilion itself\nin the meantime\, please head to our website\, ht tps://www.aecom.com/serpentine-pavilion-2018/ \; \;\n \;\nLoca tion &\; Transport\nSerpentine Pavilion\nKensington Gardens\, Hyde Park \, London W2 3XA\n \;<\;https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=W2%202AR&am p\;ll=51.509624%2C-0.170374&\;spn=0.007065%2C0.015128&\;oe=utf-8& \;client=firefox-a&\;hnear=London%20W2%2C%20United%20Kingdom&\;t=m&a mp\;z=17>\;\n\n\nNearest tube stations: Lancaster Gate or South Kensingt on\nMain bus routes: 148\, 274\, 390\, 94\n\nFor further information pleas e contact:\nRoshni Wijesekera\nM: 07413558950\nglrymchair@imechenearyou.or g\n\nContact Details: Alexios Koltsidoupoulos-Papatzimos\nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20180815T180000 DTSTAMP:20230820T092746Z DTSTART:20180815T170000 LOCATION:Serpentine Pavilion\, Kensington Gardens\, Kensington Gardens\, Hy de Park\,\, London\, W2 3XA\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Serpentine Pavilion 2018 - Guided Tour UID:3c7b5524-ef7f-424c-9e1c-485ad5ffc362 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR