开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Greater London Region Young Members Panel Meet ing\n\nEvent Type: Committee meeting or AGM\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sect or\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : The time when we review what the Pa nel has achieved in the past months and discuss what we are going to do ne xt.\n- Have you got ideas? \;\n- Would you like to volunteer? \;\n - Do you simply want to understand more what we do and how to help?\nYoung member vacancies areaimed at student and young professional engineers. Al l the roles are voluntary\,there is no fixed level of commitment and furth er details for specific rolescan be provided by the vacancy contact.\n\nTh e meeting will be held in the Function Room (upstairs) of the Two Chairmen Pub in Westminster.\n\nAbout the YMP\n\nThe IMechE Greater London Region Young Members Panel is the official group for Young Mechanical Engineers w ho work or live in the London area. \; We organise events for our memb ers\, arrange lectures on a wide range of subjects and promote Mechanical Engineering within society by supporting school and college events and lob bying the public and government.\nOver the past years the London Young Mem bers Panel has gone from strength to strength. \; Not only have we div ersified our committee to include students and young engineers from many d ifferent universities and companies\, we have also expanded our activities . \; As always\, this year we aim to be even better!\nWe will continue to provide youwith opportunities to attend personal development seminars and technical visits\, but also increase the number of networking/social e vents we organise. \; In addition\, we aim to improve the IMechE&rsquo \;s links with schools\,universities and other institutions. \;The ev ents we host are organised for you\, so whether you have a \;query\, w ant to get involved in the committee or simply just want to come along and see what we do\, we look forward to hearing from you!\n\nContact Details: \n\n Alternative Contact: Alexios Koltsidoupoulos-Papatzimos\nAddress: Un ited Kingdom. DTEND:20180918T200000 DTSTAMP:20230820T090933Z DTSTART:20180918T183000 LOCATION:Two Chairmen \, 39 Dartmouth Street\, Westminster\, London\, SW1H 9BP\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Greater London Region Young Members Panel Meeting UID:2aa302cb-bf8b-4779-bfb0-fa5f3c0e1716 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR