开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT描述:触手可及的活动-世界级制造之旅- IMI精密工程公司的len和工业4.0活动类型:技术参观\n\n行业:制造业\n\n发言细节:\n\n描述:主题:世界级制造之旅& nash \;IMI精密工程精益与工业4.0课程12:00开始\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; Welcome &\; Introductions\n·\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; Introduction to IMI Precision Engineering\n·\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; Tour of the Manufacturing Facil ity and \;European Distribution Centre &ndash\; Focus points Lean and Industry 4.0\n\nIMI Precision Engineering is part of IMI plc. We are a wo rld leader in motion and fluid control technologies. Wherever precision\, speed and engineering reliability are essential\, we deliver exceptional s olutions which improve the productivity and efficiency of our customers' e quipment. We have a sales and service network in 50 countries\, as well as manufacturing capability in the USA\, Germany\, China\, UK\, Switzerland\ , Czech Republic\, Mexico\, India and Brazil. We support this with our glo bal centres of technical excellence\, and facilities for CFD design and R& amp\;D testing. \n \;Attached a link to the company website:\nhttps:// www.imi-precision.com/de/en/\n \;Address:\nIMI Precision Engineering\n Norgren GmbH\,\nBruckstraß\;e 93\,\n46519 Alpen\nGermany\n\nContact D etails: \n\n Alternative Contact: Dr Andy Storer\nAddress: Germany. DTEND:20181026T160000 DTSTAMP:20230522T175439Z DTSTART:20181026T120000 LOCATION:IMI Precision Engineering - Norgren GmbH\, Bruckstraße 93\, 46519 Alpen\, Germany SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The journey to World Class Manufacturing – Lean and Industry 4.0 at IMI Precision Engineering UID:67f425e9-57ad-4e3b-a300-9bb2260397c9 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR