开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - QLD YPF and IMechE Joint Technical and Network ing Event\n\nEvent Type: Professional development event\n\nIndustry Sector : Coal / Oil / Gas\n\nSpeak Details: Rajinesh Singh has a Ph.D. in Mechani cal Engineering with extensive theoretical and practical experience in the energy industry including having been involved in some major Australian o il and gas infrastructure projects. Raj is currently a Senior Consultant w ith Wood.\n\nDescription : Vibration related fatigue damage in process pip ework constitutes\na significant\, but mostly overlooked\, structural inte grity threat to reliable\,\ncost-effective\, and safe operation of energy assets. Approximately 20 per cent*\nof hydrocarbon releases at offshore oi l and gas facilities in the UK and\nAustralia have been attributed to fati gue and high vibration related failures\nin piping. The danger posed by th is tangible threat is even greater with\nincreased pressure on operators f or reduced downtime and higher yield.*(UK HSE\,\nNOPSEMA stats)\n\nRajines h Singh has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering with\nextensive theoretical an d practical experience in the energy industry including\ninvolvement in so me major Australian oil and gas infrastructure projects. Raj\nis currently a Senior Consultant within the Vibration\, Dynamics\, and Noise\n(VDN) gr oup in Wood. working on structural integrity of piping\, static\nequipment \, and other structures.\n\nFollowing Raj's presentation\, IMechE's QLD Pa nel chair\,\nAlfredo Mendez\, and other representatives\, will speak brief ly on their\nexperiences\, the membership process and the potential opport unities for young\npipeliners in IMechE.\n\nFollowing the presentations\, attendees will have the chance\nto network over drinks and canapé\;s with YPF and IMechE members and can find out\nmore about both groups.\n\n This is a FREE event\, open to all members\, so if you know\nsomeone in th e industry who has not been to one of our events before\, please\nhave the m sign up to our mailing list.\n\nPlease register for this event by 19 Sep tember: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/qld-ypf-and-imeche-joint-education al-and-networking-event-tickets-49631076887?aff=IMechE\n\nContact Details: Colin Sheldon\nAddress: Brisbane\, 4000\, Australia. DTEND:20180920T093000 DTSTAMP:20231026T090927Z DTSTART:20180920T173000 LOCATION:Hotel Jen (Level 5 - Parkland 2)\, 159 Roma Street\, Brisbane City \, 4000\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:QLD YPF and IMechE Joint Technical and Networking Event UID:aad8664c-cf6b-41b6-a078-c9e2ec8918c0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR