开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Technical Visit to Rail Wheel Factory\n\nEvent Type: Technical visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Other Industries / Sectors\n\nS peak Details: \n\nDescription : Technical Visit to RWF provides a platform for student\, academicians and engineering professionals.\n\nTentative sc hedule:\n08:45: Assemble at the RWF Factory Gate\, not the Admin Gate\n09: 00 - 12:00: The Group will visit RWF factory. \n12:00-12:30 Lunch at the R WF canteen.\n12:30: Disperse.\n\nRegistration is free for members\, but pl aces are limited to 24 or 25 persons. Registration will be on a first-come first served basis. Interested members are encouraged to register as soon as possible. \nPlease note that members have to arrange their own transpo rt to the venue.\nTo register for this event visit:  https://docs.google.c om/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScrTdwVO3utqFwqkTn9uFZztZIJPw3HhvtN7sCWvtTjZHI_bg/view form?c=0&\;w=1\n \;\n \;\n\nContact Details: Magdhum Basha \nAd dress: India. DTEND:20181027T130000 DTSTAMP:20230627T015852Z DTSTART:20181027T080000 LOCATION:Rail Wheel Factory\, Yelahanka\, Bengaluru\, Karnataka \, 560064\, India SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Technical Visit to Rail Wheel Factory UID:c6caaa68-6bee-4738-8e3c-dd9f43971bdc END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR