开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Greater London Young Members Panel Meeting\n\n Event Type: Committee meeting or AGM\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nS peak Details: \n\nDescription : Panel Meeting Minutes - 18 September\n\nTh e \; time when we review what the Panel has achieved in the past month s and discuss\nwhat we are going to do next.\n- \; Have you got ideas? \;\n- Would you like to volunteer? \;\n- Do you simply want to un derstand more what we do and how to help?\nYoung\nmember vacancies are aim ed at student and young professional engineers. All the\nroles are volunta ry\, there is no fixed level of commitment and further details\nfor specif ic roles can be provided by the vacancy contact.\n\nThe\nmeeting will be h eld at the IMechE\, 1 Birdcage Walk\, London SW1H 9JJ.\n\nAbout\nthe YMP\n \nThe IMechE Greater London Region Young Members Panel is the official gro up for\nYoung Mechanical Engineers who work or live in the London area.&nb sp\; We\norganise events for our members\, arrange lectures on a wide rang e of subjects\nand promote Mechanical Engineering within society by suppor ting school and\ncollege events and lobbying the public and government.\nO ver the past years the London Young\nMembers Panel has gone from strength to strength. \; Not only have we\ndiversified our committee to include students and young engineers from many\ndifferent universities and compan ies\, we have also expanded our\nactivities. \; As always\, this year we aim to be even better!\nWe\nwill continue to provide you with opportuni ties to attend personal development\nseminars and technical visits\, but a lso increase the number of\nnetworking/social events we organise. \; I n addition\, we aim to improve the\nIMechE&rsquo\;s links with schools\, u niversities and other institutions. \;The\nevents we host are organis ed for you\, so whether you have a \;query\, want to\nget involved in the committee or simply just want to come along and see what we\ndo\, we l ook forward to hearing from you!\n\nVacancies\n\nThe following positions a re vacant \; at present and we are looking for volunteers. If you are interested in any of \; these roles or would like further information\ , please contact glrymsec@imechenearyou.org \;.\n- \; \; &nbs p\; \;Tier 1 Roles\no \; \;\nSocial\nSecretary (URGENT)\n-&nbs p\; \; \; \;Tier 2 Roles\no \; \;\nWomen\nin Enginee ring Events Organiser\no \; \;\nIMechE London NW\nArea Rep\no \; \;\nUniversity Liaison\nRep &ndash\; QMU\no \; \;\nUniversi ty Liaison\nRep &ndash\; Imperial\no \; \;\nUniversity Liaison\nRe p &ndash\; UCL\no \; \;\nUniversity Liaison\nRep &ndash\; Kingston \no \; \;\nChristmas Social\nOrganiser &ndash\; (URGENT)\n\n\nTher e will be post-meeting socialising at a local pub after the meeting.\n\nCo ntact Details: \n\n Alternative Contact: Alexios Koltsidoupoulos-Papatzimo s\nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20181029T200000 DTSTAMP:20230820T090931Z DTSTART:20181029T183000 LOCATION:Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)\, 1 Birdcage Walk\, W estminster\, London\, SW1H 9JJ\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Greater London Young Members Panel Meeting UID:f3452271-d8bb-4c5b-a2ac-9ae246df8b42 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR