开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Speak Out for Engineering (Local) UET Taxila 2 018\n\nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nS peak Details: \n\nDescription : IMechE UET Taxila:\nInstitution of Mechani cal Engineers (IMechE)\, UET Taxila Chapter is the 1st student chapter in public universities of Pakistan and\, an IMechE UK affiliated student chap ter. It is in operation since July 16\, 2013 and its basic motto is &ldquo \;Improving the World through Engineering&rdquo\;. It is focused to develo p and polish the engineering skills and also provides leadership and techn ical expertise for the students of Mechanical Engineering Department.\nSpe ak Out For Engineering (SOfE):\n\nSpeak Out for Engineering (SOfE) is a co mpetition designed to help develop verbal and visual communication skills in explaining technical mechanical engineering related projects. However\, if someone is already a talented public speaker then the competition is h is/her chance to demonstrate his/her skill. In SOfE\, the participants are supposed to demonstrate an engineering project/data through presentation. \nSOfE (Local) UET Taxila: \;\nIMechE UET Taxila Chapter organized loc al heat of SOfE. The event\, being one of the signature events of the Inst itution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)\, lived fully up to the expectati ons both in terms of enthusiasm of the participants and the grandeur of th e engineering knowledge being presented. The sole purpose of this round/ev ent was to select competitive contestants from UET TAXILA for the upcoming main event SOfE NORTH.\n\n \; \;\n\n\nThis event was held on Nove mber 27\, 2018 in Mechanical Engineering Department (MED). The event comme nced at 1100 hours. The time allowed for each participant was 10 minutes f or presentation followed by five minutes for Q &\; A session from the j udging panel. A total of 8 candidates participated in the event along with their innovative ideas.\n\nThe respected and highly esteemed judges for t he prestigious event were:\n\n \n Engr. Aslam Khattak \;\n \n \n Mr. Safi Ghauri\n \n \n Mr. Umer Amjad\n \n\n\n \; \;\n\n\nThe selection criteria was based upon\, confidence\, commun ication skills\, body language &\; problem interpretation skills. The e vent encapsulated a wide variety of engineering and scientific projects.\n After the conclusion of the presentation and the Q &\; A session\, the judges were given time for finalizing the result. The final standings were then announced as follows:\n1st Position &ndash\; Mr. Temoor Abid: "Therm oresponsive Hydrogel"\n2nd Position &ndash\; Mr. \;Muhammad Maarij: "B io Inspired Manta Ray Robot:\n3rd Position &ndash\; Mr. \;Talha Yaseen : "Design of Bulletproof Vests using STF" \;\nThe total audience in SO fE Local was 75 including 45 members of society and 30 non-members.\n\n&nb sp\; \;\n\n\nProf. Dr. Rifat Asim Pasha (Chairman MED) was the chief g uest of the event. He honored the judges with souvenirs.\n\n\nCoverage By: \; IMechE UETT Media Team\n\nContact Details: Murad Ashraf\nTelephon e: +923096275987\nAddress: Pakistan. DTEND:20181127T170000 DTSTAMP:20230820T084601Z DTSTART:20181127T090000 LOCATION:UET Taxila\, Pakistan\, UET Link Road\, Taxila\, Rawalpindi\, Punj ab 47080\, Pakistan\, Taxila\, 47080\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out for Engineering (Local) UET Taxila 2018 UID:6fadbd90-c06e-4b04-95ec-90d5d12c003b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR