开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Speak Out for Engineering Regional (North) 201 8\n\nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpe ak Details: \n\nDescription : IMechE UET Taxila:\nInstitution of Mechanica l Engineers (IMechE)\, UET Taxila Chapter is the 1st student chapter in pu blic universities of Pakistan and\, an IMechE UK affiliated student chapte r. It is in operation since \;July 16\, 2013 \;and its basic motto is \;&ldquo\;Improving the World through Engineering&rdquo\;. It is f ocused to develop and polish the engineering skills and also provides lead ership and technical expertise for the students of Mechanical Engineering Department.\nSpeak Out For Engineering (SOfE):\n\nSpeak Out for Engineerin g (SOfE) is a competition designed to help develop verbal and visual commu nication skills in explaining technical mechanical engineering related pro jects. However\, if someone is already a talented public speaker then the competition is his/her chance to demonstrate his/her skill. In SOfE\, the participants are supposed to demonstrate an engineering project/data throu gh presentation.\nSOfE Regional (North): \;\n\n\n\nIMechE UET Taxila c hapter earned the privilege to organize Speak Out for Engineering (SOfE) N orth for the 4th time. The event was held on 20th December 2018 on Thursda y. It commenced at 1100 in Conference Room of Energy Engineering Departmen t.\n\nThe time allowed for each participant was 20 minutes followed with a 5 minutes Q/A session from the judging panel. A total of 5 participants f rom UET Taxila and NUST showcased their innovative ideas. The participants were required to demonstrate an Engineering project/data through presenta tion. \;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe respected highly esteemed judges for the p restigious event were:\n\n \n Dr. Rizwan \;(from Project Manage ment Organization)\n \n \n Barrister Safi Ghauri (Former Presiden t Toastmaster Club Islamabad) as Chair Judging Panel\n \n \n Ms. Rabia Khan (Member of Toastmaster Club Islamabad)\n \n\nThe selection c riteria was based upon\, confidence\, communication skills\, body language &\; problem interpretation skills. The event encapsulated a variety of engineering and scientific projects. \;Following candidates managed t o qualify for the Jibran Khalid SOfE Memorial (SOfE Pakistan) in which the y will compete with the winners of SOfE South:\n \; \; 1st Positi on &ndash\; Temoor Abid\, "Thermoresponsive Hydrogel"\n \; \; 2nd Position &ndash\; Junaid Ahmad\, "Design Development of Bipedal Hopping R obot"\n \; \; 3rd Position &ndash\; \;Mr. Haseeb Kazmi\, "Des ign and Development of a Low-cost Semi-active Knee Prosthesis for Amputees "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAfterwards\, the judges were invited to express their fee lings about the organization of the event. All of them appreciated the org anizers and gave some wonderful suggestions for the future. The event conc luded at about 1500 hours. At the end\, Mr. Murad Ashraf (Chair IMechE UET T) thanked the judges and participants on behalf of IMechE UET Taxila Chap ter and concluded the whole proceeding.\n\n\n\n\nCoverage by: IMechE UETT Media Team\n\nContact Details: Gohar Shoukat\nTelephone: +92 300 474 3384 \nAddress: Pakistan.\n\n Alternative Contact: Murad Ashraf\nTelephone: + 923096275987\nAddress: Pakistan. DTEND:20181220T170000 DTSTAMP:20230820T074259Z DTSTART:20181220T090000 LOCATION:UET Taxila\, Pakistan\, UET Link Road\, Taxila\, Rawalpindi\, Punj ab 47080\, Pakistan\, Taxila\, 47080\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out for Engineering Regional (North) 2018 UID:bb5ff9c4-c4de-4636-a117-c80291e12c5f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR