开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Speak Out for Engineering (Local) NUST PNEC 20 18\n\nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSp eak Details: \n\nDescription : \n\n\nIMechE NUST PNEC Student Chapter is o ne of the main student branches of South Region in Pakistan. A small group of students started with the ambitious idea of IMechE\, that is\, "To mak e the world a better place through Engineering". The chapter aims to provi de students with growing learning opportunities and platforms to enhance t heir skills as an engineer and go on to use them to improve the world.\n\n SOfE (Speak Out for Engineering) was organized by IMechE NUST PNEC Student Chapter on 24th November\, 2018 in IME Conference Room at NUST PNEC. Spea k Out for Engineering is a competition designed to help develop verbal and visual communication skills in explaining technical mechanical engineerin g related subjects. It aims to assess an individuals&rsquo\; presentation skills. However\, if you are already a talented public speaker then the co mpetition is your chance to demonstrate your skill. Competitors are to giv e an oral presentation on a mechanical engineering related subject. Presen tation slides\, materials or props can be used to support a presentation.\ n\n\n\n\nThe respectable judging panel for Speak Out for Engineering NUST PNEC Student Chapter consisted of Mr. Hassan Thebo\, Mr. Syed Najam Rizvi from ToastMasters and Mr. Talish Mehmood from NUST PNEC. \; \n\n \ ; \;\n\n\nThere was a total of six participants each with a unique top ic to present. The participants with their presentation topics\, in order of their presentations are listed as follows:\n\n Mr. Qais Hassan - &ld quo\;Blended Wing Body Aircraft&rdquo\;.\n Mr. Hammad-Ur-Rehman - &ldqu o\;Conversion of Sewage Water to Commercial Water&rdquo\;\n Ms. Fatima Shafique - &ldquo\;Unmanned Aerial Systems&rdquo\;.\n Mr. Muhammad Hass an - &ldquo\;Plastic to Fuel Conversion&rdquo\;.\n Mr. Zeeshan Rizvi - &ldquo\;Biodegradable Packaging&rdquo\;.\n Mr. Zain Ahmed - &ldquo\;Sea Water Desalination with The Parabolic Trough Convertor&rdquo\;.\n\n\n\n\n The event started at 1100 hours after the arrival of the judges and partic ipants. The event was hosted by Ms. Komal Mehmood with Ms. Duaa Akhtar. In troduction of IMechE NUST PNEC Student Chapter\, judging panel and the rul es of event were discussed in the opening ceremony. The participants then began with their presentations. Judges gave their remarks and advice after all the participants were finished with their presentations. The judges w ere awarded with a token of appreciation by President IMechE NUST PNEC Stu dent Chapter\, Mr. Abdul Raffay.\n\n\n\n\nWinners of the event were announ ced as Mr. Zain Ahmed securing first position\, Mr. Zeeshan Rizvi securing second position and Mr. Qais Hassan securing the third position.\n\n\n\n\ nReport By:\nKomal Mehmood &\; Iqra Irshad (NUST PNEC)\n\n\n\nContact D etails: Duaa Akhtar\nTelephone: +92 336 9873331\nAddress: Pakistan. DTEND:20181124T170000 DTSTAMP:20230820T084548Z DTSTART:20181124T090000 LOCATION:NUST PNEC\, Pakistan\, PNS Jauhar Karsaz Faisal Cantonment\, Karac hi\, Karachi City\, Sindh\, Pakistan\, Karachi\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out for Engineering (Local) NUST PNEC 2018 UID:0d4151e0-b94c-4157-9a95-a209a584078c END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR