开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Speak Out For Engineering 2018\, England-Irela nd Final - (ROI YOUNG MEMBERS)\n\nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustr y Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : Are you passion ate about Engineering and looking for an opportunity to develop your prese ntation skills? Speak Out for Engineering is a competition designed to hel p develop verbal and visual communication in explaining technical mechanic al engineering related subjects. The successful winner of the Ireland heat will be flown over to the iMechE Headquarters in London (located right be side Buckindham Palace and Big Ben) during December to present their prese ntation for the England-Ireland Speak Out For Engineering Final and be in chance of winning £\;300 - 1st Prize or £\;200 - 2nd prize.\n\nW hat do competitors have to do?\nCompetitors are required to prepare a writ ten presentation summary of 200 words maximum using the entrants form foun d here: \;//www.pedrorafa.com/docs/default-source/sofe/entrant-appl ication-form.docx?sfvrsn=0 \;This should be sent directly to roiymchai r@imechenearyou.org \;by 5pm on the 12th of November 2018\n\nSelection Process:\nThe finalists must give their presentation as an individual reg ardless of whether the subject is part of a group technical project. Judge s will expect more experienced competitors to have developed presentation skills and their marking assessment will reflect this. A winning entry in any year is not eligible for entry in subsequent years. In order to take p lace in the competition\, participants must be members of iMechE (student membership is free) \;\n\nPresentation Details:\nFinalists must give a n oral presentation to be broken down as follows:\nPresentation length: 15 mins\nDiscussion and questions from judges: maximum 10 mins\n\nJudging:\n 90% of the total marks are given for presentation with only 10% for techni cal content. This ensures that\, while all presentations must have mechani cal engineering content in its broadest sense (e.g. purpose\, research\, d esign\, feasibility\, and practicality)\, all presentations have the same chance of success despite varying degrees of technical content. The decisi on of the judges on the award of the prizes shall be final and no correspo ndence can be entered into.\n\nFor more information on applying and prepar ation:\n//www.pedrorafa.com/get-involved/young-members-network/speak-out -for-engineering\n\nContact Details: Shane Keaveney DTEND:20181119T200000 DTSTAMP:20230627T083149Z DTSTART:20181119T180000 LOCATION:Innovation Academy\, O'Brien Centre for Science\, University Colle ge Dublin (UCD)\, Dublin\, Ireland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out For Engineering 2018\, England-Ireland Final - (ROI YOUNG MEMBERS) UID:e4df83c2-5801-4020-896f-44753b3615c6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR