开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Working towards sustainable food production an d consumption\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Food en gineering\n\nSpeak Details: Adisa Azapagic is Professor of Sustainable Che mical Engineering at the University of Manchester. Dr Tim Fox is an intern ationally recognised expert in low carbon energy and sustainable food syst ems\, cleantech and climate change mitigation and adaptation.\n\nDescripti on : A lecture organized jointly with the Greater Manchester Area and to b e presented by: \n\nProfessor Adisa Azapagic and Consultant Dr Tim Fox\n\n This event will give an overview of sustainability issues in food supply c hains\, considering different stages in the life cycle of food production and consumption in the context of the food-water-energy nexus. These inclu de: i) agriculture\; ii) processing and packaging\; iii) distribution\, st orage and retail\; and iv) food consumption.\n\nThe sustainability issues across these life cycle stages will be illustrated through case studies\, including anaerobic digestion of agricultural and food waste\, milk proces sing and production of ready-made meals and food wastage (waste and losses ) in the Asia-Pacific supply chains of Singapore. The emphasis will be on energy consumption\, carbon footprint and other relevant environmental imp acts\, and solutions. Some social aspects will also be explored\, such as labour-related issues\, retail and hospitality sector procurement practice s and consumer behaviour.\nThe IMechE are thrilled to present two excellen t speakers for this event: Professor Adisa Azapagic and Dr Tim Fox. \; \;Adisa has a long list of high impacting achievements in this area from leading a world leading research group to masterminding a carbon foot -printing tool for industry. Complementing this\, Tim has provoked a large amount of press and government interest in the topic in recent years with reports that estimate almost half of the world's food is thrown away.\n\n To register please contact Georgina Harris using the link below in "Contac t Details"\n\n\n\nContact Details: Georgina Harris DTEND:20190319T200000 DTSTAMP:20230211T040101Z DTSTART:20190319T180000 LOCATION:Manchester Metropolitan University - Room JD C0.14 \, John Dalton Building\, Room JD C0.14 (Ground floor)\, Manchester\, M1 5GD\, United Kin gdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Working towards sustainable food production and consumption UID:e363299b-8080-41d3-9dd0-4097865ea241 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR