开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - GREECE GROUP ELECTION and the ANNUAL GENERAL M EETING (AGM) to be held in 20th April 2019\n\nEvent Type: Committee meetin g or AGM\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescriptio n : \n- CALL FOR NOMINATIONS -\nIn accordance to the provisions of the Gre ece Branch Constitution\, hereby call for nominations for the election for the positions of Chairman\, Vice Chairman\, Honorary Secretary\, Honorary Treasurer\, Young Members Representative\, Academic Liaison Officer\, Ind ustry Liaison Officer and upto to 5 ordinary Committee members.\n \;NO MINATIONS PROCEDURE\n&bull\; \; \; \; \; \; \;&nbs p\; \; \; \; \; \; Nominations open from Feb 24th\, 20 19 23:50 hrs Athens GR local time\n&bull\; \; \; \; \;&nbs p\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; Nominations close on March 23rd\, 2019 23:59 hrs Athens GR local time\n&bull\; \; \;&nb sp\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; GREECE GROUP ELECTION and the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) 20th April 2019\, pla ce and time to be defined.\n \;The nominations can be addressed by e-m ail to \;greecesec@imechenearyou.org\n \;Nomination Format\nCandid ate Name Membership Number\nFor Position\nProposer and Seconder Name Membe rship Number The candidate can also provide a CV and a statement.\n \; Nominations can also be submitted in all open and committee meetings in th e time window stated above. Open and Committee meetings will be communicat ed through bulk e-mail before hand.\n \;Closing of Nominations\nImmedi ately after nominations are closed a bulk e-mail announcing the candidates will be sent to all Greece Group Members.\n \;ELIGIBILTY\nFor the Pos ition of Chairman\, Vice Chairman and Honorary treasurer the candidates mu st be Corporate members of the Institution.\n \;For the remainder of t he Committee positions Honorary Secretary\, Academic Liaison Officer\, Ind ustry Liaison Officer\, Young Members Representative\, plus upto 5 Ordinar y Committee Members plus the former Chairman if and as applicable.\n \ ;\nEligible for Voting all members of the Greece Group as per Greece Branc h provisions (Para 5).\n \;NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS\n28) The Chairman \, Vice Chairman\, Hon. Secretary\, Hon. Treasurer and Ordinary Members of the Committee shall be formally elected by the members of the Branch.\n29 ) No later than eight weeks before the Annual General Meeting\, a meeting shall be held at which members of the Branch shall nominate eligible membe rs for the Committee positions.\nEach nominee shall be proposed by a membe r and seconded by another member. Nominations shall close four weeks befor e the Annual General Meeting. The list of candidates for election shall be sent to all members with the notice for the Annual General Meeting. The l ist shall indicate the names of the candidates\, proposer\, seconder\, mem bership grade\, any company affiliation\, company position and\, if the ca ndidate has provided it\, a curriculum vitae of not more than 250 words.\n 30) Election at the Annual General Meeting shall be by show-of-hand of the eligible voting members present. The appropriate number of candidates rec eiving the majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If the nu mber of candidates for any office does not exceed the number of vacancies\ , the person(s) nominated shall be declared elected.\n31) The result of th e election shall be reported forthwith in writing to the Secretary of the Institution\, and published in such other manner as the Committee shall de termine.\n \;REFERENCE\nhttp://nearyou.imeche.org/docs/greece/constitu tionofimechegreecebranch.pdf \; \; \;\n \;\n\nBest Regard s\,\n \;Dr. Theodoros Pappas\nMechanical Engineer\nCEng MIMechE\nSecre tary Officer Greece Group\nEmail: \;greecesec@imechenearyou.org \; \n\n\n\n\nContact Details: Dr Theodoros Pappas CEng MIMechE\nAddress: Gree ce.\n\n Alternative Contact: Chronis Panagiotidis Eur Ing CEng MIMechE \nA ddress: Greece. DTEND:20190420T170000 DTSTAMP:20231028T200327Z DTSTART:20190420T140000 LOCATION:51 Iasonidou Avenue\, 51 Iasonidou Avenue\, Elliniko\, Athens\, 16 777\, Greece SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:GREECE GROUP ELECTION and the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) to be he ld in 20th April 2019 UID:6850af03-3a7e-436c-8b2a-aeda11a8ab59 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR