开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Design Challenge NUST PNEC 2019\n\nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\n Description : Introduction and Purpose:\nDesign Challenge is a national en gineering competition conducted annually by IMechE Pakistan Group. The pur pose of the Design Challenge is to simulate the requirements of a professi onal engineer so that students are exposed to the real-world engineering w here they have to think for themselves and apply a systematic approach to solve an engineering problem within the provided constraints.\nThe competi tion consists of many phases: intra-university\, regional\, national and i nternational. Universities all around the world can register for Design Ch allenge and this year IMechE-NPSC introduced students of NUST-PNEC to this competition. The intra-university phase of Design Challenge was conducted by IMechE-NPSC this semester at NUST-PNEC. This year&rsquo\;s challenge w as to design an autonomous external pipe-climbing device.\nPre-Event Detai ls:\na) Integration into the Curriculum\nWith the effort of senior members of IMechE-NPSC\, the Design Challenge was integrated into the course Engi neering Mechanics: Dynamics with the approval of Dean Engineering Sciences (ES) Department. This ensured that all first-year students be a part of t his competition and gain this invaluable exposure to real-world engineerin g that would aid them throughout their professional careers.\n\n\n\n\nb) H elping Sessions\nAll concerned students were informed of this competition one month prior to it. The team conducted a couple of sessions briefing th e participating students about the purpose\, rules and regulations\, and d etails of the tournament. The senior members of the team offered students tips and guidelines on how to start working on their robots.\nEvent Detail s:\nThe competition was held on 3rd May 2019 at NUST-PNEC. 8 teams of five members participated in this competition. The competition was chaired by Ms. Duaa Akhtar (Student Chair) and Mr. Shaikh Adeem Ahmad (Student Vice C hair) IMechE-NPSC and faculty members of Engineering Sciences (ES) Departm ent NUST-PNEC. The teams came up with fascinating ideas and sophisticated designs. \n\n \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \;\n\n\nWinning team members: Mr. A nees Ahmed\, Mr. Farzan Ahmed\, Mr. Ali Raza\, Mr. Asfar Younis and Mr. Mu hammad Abbas. \nRunner-up team members: Mr. Umar Sultan\, Mr. Muhammad Uma ir\, Mr. Haris Munir\, Mr. Hammad Tariq and Mr. Osama Badar. \n\n\n\n\n\n\ nThe two teams will be competing against teams from other universities in the national round of Design Challenge later this year.\nThis was the firs t time that such a competition was held at NUST-PNEC. The competition allo wed students to apply their engineering knowledge to come up with a workin g design and put their engineering skills to the test. Working in teams\, the students learned teamwork and collaboration skills. The competition wa s appreciated by the faculty members of NUST-PNEC. The challenge succeeded in its aim to simulate a professional engineering environment.\n\n \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; & nbsp\; \; \;\n\n\nWritten By: Mr. Muhammad Danish Siddiqui (NUST PNEC)\n\nContact Details: Duaa Akhtar\nTelephone: +92 336 9873331\nAddress : Pakistan. DTEND:20190515T170000 DTSTAMP:20230820T073017Z DTSTART:20190515T090000 LOCATION:NUST PNEC\, Pakistan\, PNS Jauhar Karsaz Faisal Cantonment\, Karac hi\, Karachi City\, Sindh\, Pakistan\, Karachi\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Design Challenge NUST PNEC 2019 UID:216fa135-083c-43dc-8021-4051c6c30d69 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR