开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - IMarEST BeNeLux Branch -Technical MeetingIcebr eaker RSV ‘Nuyina’\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Of fshore engineering\n\nSpeak Details: Gert-Jan Meijn graduated as a mechani cal engineer. Focus on power & process engineering at Delft University of Technology in 2013 and 2015 respectively. \nJohan graduated as a mechanica l engineer from the HZ University of Applied Science. Joined Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding in 2005.\n\nDescription : After concept development of the vessel by Knud E. Hansen\, design and construction is currently being managed by Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding in Vlissingen.Besides operati ng as a complex vessel in an inclement environment the vessel showcases an innovative propulsion arrangement in order to marry the functionalities o f a research vessel\, supply vessel and an icebreaker.In the processsevera l engineering challenges had to be overcome.For example\, the safe operati on and control of the propulsion train under ice-induced loads\, or the im pact of redundancy on the electrical grid to safeguard DP-operations.\n\nT he propulsion configuration of the ASRVis atypical with respect to &lsquo\ ;classic&rsquo\; icebreakers\, having to merge the functionalities of a ta nker/freighter with that of a research vessel while maintaining significan t icebreaking capabilities. The hybrid(CODLAD)propulsion plant\, which inc ludes the RENK Advanced Electrical Drive (AED)\, was chosen to merge these functionalities into a single propulsion train. In the lecture background is provided on the trade-offthat led to this solution\, and on the dynami c simulations that were performed to gain insight into the performance of this installation under icebreaking conditions. Lastly the lecture gives i nsight into how the design of the hybrid propulsion plant is influenced by DP(AA) class requirements and how redundancy requirements are met by this propulsion plant.\n \;\nFull details here.\n\n\nDetailed Programme\n1 8:30 Welcome incl. coffee\; meet other attendees\n19:00 Technical Presen tation\n19:45 (Coffee) Break\n20:00 Technical Presentation\n20:45 Discu ssion / remaining questions\n21:00 Drinks / Networking event\n\n21:45 Cl osure\n \;\nRegister online here. Please register before Friday 31thof May\, so that we can order sufficient refreshments. Please note we have c hanged our policy concerning refreshments for non-members of IMarEST. We n ow kindly ask a contribution to refreshment costs of 5 euro&rsquo\;s from non-members. The bank account number of IMarEST BeNeLux branch is: NL67 RA BO 0364 6179 69(no refunds).\n\nContact Details: IMarEST Benelux\nAddress: Netherlands. DTEND:20190604T220000 DTSTAMP:20230820T035340Z DTSTART:20190604T183000 LOCATION:Delft University of Technology\, Mechanical Engineering & Marine T echnology Buildin\, Mekelweg 2\, Delft\, 2628 CD\, Netherlands SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:IMarEST BeNeLux Branch -Technical MeetingIcebreaker RSV ‘Nuyina’ UID:2cd66c0c-4249-4482-af9f-ca9562199c0d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR