BEGIN:VCALENDAR方法:发布BEGIN:VEVENT描述:在你附近的事件-第10届年会\,意大利集团\n\nEvent类型:委员会会议或AGM\n\n行业部门:跨部门\n\n发言详情:\n\n说明:年会议程\n10:30 \;\;到达和咖啡\;\n\n 10:45 \;\n\n年终活动&n bsp\;\;\;\;集团主席\,Daniel Fantoni \;\n\nFin财经报道\;\;\;\;\;\; \; \; \; \; \;Treasurer\, Adrian Parker \;\n\nObjectives f or coming year \; Group Chairman\, Daniel Fantoni \;\n\nElections for Committee \; \; \; Hon Sec\, Leo Lodi \;\n\nNext y ear's events \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \ ; \; \; \; \;\n\nCommittee open discussion \; IMechE S pecial Meetings\n\nAOB \; \; \; \; \; \; &nbs p\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \ ; \; \; \; (Please advise beforehand) \;\n\n\n13:00&nbs p\; \;Lunch for attendees\, offered by IMechE \;\n\n\n15:00 \ ; \;Close \;\n\nNominations for the Committee and Offices of the Committee\n\nAll IMechE members in Italy can Volunteer themselves or nomin ate other members for election to the committee and to committee posts\, a nd take part in the meeting and in the voting. \;\n\nThe closing year& rsquo\;s committee is: \;\n\nChairman - Daniel Fantoni\nVice Chairman - Silvano Asnaghi\nHon Secretary - \; Leo Lodi\nHon Treasurer &ndash\; Adrian Parker\nCommittee Member &ndash\; Paul Gallagher\nCommunications O fficer &ndash\; Giulio Malinverno\nYoung Member Officer &ndash\; Michele A ngelo Cecchi\nAffiliate Officer &ndash\; Krm Leo\n\nAll positions are open for nominations\, in particular: \;\n\nChairman \;\nVice-chairman \;\nHon Secretary \;\nTreasurer \;\n8 Committee Members \ ;\n\nPlease submit your volunteering or nominations by May 25th 2019 and i ndicate \;\nyour intention to participate in the AGM (in person/remote web conferencing) to \;Daniel Fantoni \;italychair@imechenearyou. org\n\nContact Details: Daniel Fantoni\nTelephone: +39 3355445171\nAddress : Torino\, Italy.\n\n Alternative Contact: Leonardo Lodi\nTelephone: +3933 32221763\nAddress: Bologna\, Italy. DTEND:20190601T150000 DTSTAMP:20230322T203257Z DTSTART:20190601T103000 LOCATION:T&O Italia Srl\, Via Desiderio\, 3/9 \, Milano MI\, 20131 \, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:10th Annual Meeting\, Italy Group UID:4e1f81f0-4279-478c-b741-6e58c247b6ae END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR