开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Pressure Piping and Pipeline Design\n\nEvent T ype: Seminar\n\nIndustry Sector: Coal / Oil / Gas\n\nSpeak Details: Amir E smaeili FIEAust CPEng NER APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus) | Senior Pipeline Engin eer\, APA\n\n\nAmir has more than 18 years of professional experience in O il and Gas industry\, including Refineries\, Petrochemical Plants\, Transm ission Pipelines and CSG to LNG projects\, such as QCLNG\, GLNG and APLNG. \n\nDescription : \nIMechE QLD Panel will co-host this evening with Engine ers Australia on Pressure Piping and Pipeline Design.\n\nDespite more than 100 years of history behind the production life and the worldwide experie nces in oil and gas industry\, there are still significant numbers of tech nical challenges which require a piping and pipeline engineer to provide a n ad-hoc solution and make a reliable\, safe and optimised decision.\nIn t his area of expertise\, a piping and pipeline engineer needs to build up p ragmatic core competencies which are combination of safety\, art\, calcula tion and hands-on experience.\nTo ensure the integrity and quality of thes e engineering outcomes\, the principles and foundations have been establis hed within the context of international standards such as ASME (American S ociety of Mechanical Engineers)\, API (American Petroleum Institute)\, AST M (American Society for Testing and Materials)\, and AS (Australian Standa rds).\nThese standards assist engineers to have a reliable source of guide lines for recommendations\, requirements and constraints for all the diffe rent stages including design\, construction and operation.\nThis session h as been customised to provide a valuable demonstration on some of the most critical type of mechanical failures in piping and pipeline industry and provides a summary of key technical considerations to control and/or mitig ate these type of failures based on the International Standards.\nThrough the evening\, we will cover the following topics:\n- Piping and Pipeline C odes and Standards\n- Criteria for Piping and Pipeline Mechanical Design\n - Updates on new version of &ldquo\;ASME B 31.3&rdquo\; and its major requ irements.\nFood and light refreshments will be provided.\n\nPlease use the link below to register for the event. Please note the event is free for E A &\; IMechE members\, with a charge of AUD$30 applied for all others.\ nhttps://engineersaustralia.org.au/event/2019/07/pressure-piping-and-pipel ine-design\n\nContact Details: Colin Sheldon\nAddress: Brisbane\, 4000\, A ustralia. DTEND:20190905T193000 DTSTAMP:20231026T190346Z DTSTART:20190905T173000 LOCATION:Hawken Auditorium\, Engineering House\, Level 1\, 447 Upper Edward Street\, Spring Hill\, 4000\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Pressure Piping and Pipeline Design UID:b93cf184-82b6-4f11-a47f-39f28e95216d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR