开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - The energy transition of the Royal Netherlands Navy\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Offshore engine ering\n\nSpeak Details: CDR (E) dr. ir. Rinze Geertsma\, CEng\, MIMarEST i s an experienced naval engineering officer.\nir. Moritz Krijgsman is an ex perienced associate with a demonstrated history of working in the shipbuil ding industry.\n\nDescription : For the future frigate various hybrid prop ulsion configurations have been compared on basis of energy efficiency and various performance parameters. The control strategy turns out to provide opportunities to find a good trade-off. For the future hydrographic surve y vessel\, various future technologies\, such as batteries\, fuel cells an d combustion engines running on alternative fuels have beeninvestigated. T he results of both studies will be discussed.\nInvitation to Technical Mee ting - 19 September 2019 - IMarEST BeNeLux Branch\n\nWould you kindly let me know if you plan to attend this event by registering online. Please reg ister before Monday 16thof September\, so that wecan order sufficient refr eshments. Please note we have changed our policy concerning refreshments f or non-members of IMarEST. We now kindly ask a contribution to refreshment costs of 5 euro&rsquo\;s fromnon-members. The bank account number of IMar EST BeNeLux branch is: NL67 RABO 0364 6179 69(no refunds).\n\n\nParking \n P-Aula or P-3ME\; see campus map on http://www.tudelft.nl/en/contact/.\n\n \nContact Details: IMarEST Benelux\nAddress: Netherlands. DTEND:20190919T220000 DTSTAMP:20230820T035336Z DTSTART:20190919T183000 LOCATION:Delft University of Technology\, 3ME Faculty\, Mekelweg 2\, Delft\ , 2628 CD\, Netherlands SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The energy transition of the Royal Netherlands Navy UID:d200f1a6-664d-4e01-a58f-eae59032dfc5 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR