开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Speak Out for Engineering (SOFE)\n\nEvent Type : Professional development event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Who can enter? The competition is open to any Affiliate\, Associ ate or Young Member of the Institution who has been professionally registe red for ten years or less.\n\nDescription : Presentation Detail \nCompetit ors are to give an oral presentation on a mechanical engineering related s ubject. Presentation slides\, materials or props can be used to support a presentation. The presentation shall consist of:\n\n\n Individual prese ntation: 15 mins\n \n Discussion and questions from judges: 5 mins\n \n\nJudging Criteria\n\n90% of the total marks are given for the quali ty of the presentation with only 10% for technical content. This ensures t hat whilst all presentations must have mechanical engineering content in i ts broadest sense (e.g. purpose\, research\, design\, feasibility\, and pr acticality)\, all presentations have the same chance of success despite va rying degrees of technical content. Judges will expect more experienced co mpetitors to have more developed presentation skills and their marking ass essment will reflect this. The decision of the judges on the award of the prizes shall be final and no correspondence can be entered into.\n\n\n\nPr izes\nThe winners will receive:\n\n 1st Prize: &euro\;100 and certifica te\n \n 2nd Prize: &euro\;50 and certificate\n \n\nThe winner of the Benelux Competition will also be invited to compete in the European Fi nals to be held at IMechE HQ in London in late October 2019.\n\nHow to Ent er\n\nTo apply\, please email your intent and any queries to Scott Fisher by 1 October 2019. Please include the title and a short summary of your pr esentation (200 words maximum). Failure to submit a summary may invalidate the entry. Note that the presentation must be made by an individual\, eve n if the subject matter was developed as part of a group project. \n\nIf y ou are not yet a Member sign up here!\n\nPlease also note that a winning e ntry in any year is not eligible for entry in subsequent years.\nFurther I nformation\nFor further information please see the Speak Out for Engineeri ng entrant's pack for further information: Speak Out for Engineering\n\n\n If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact the Scot t Fisher. \n\nThis event is being held in conjunction with a technical vis it to ASML: For more information see here\n\nContact Details: Scott Fische r\nAddress: ASML Building 7\, De Run 6635\, Veldhoven\, 5504 DT\, Netherla nds.\n\n Alternative Contact: Paul Bennington\nTelephone: +32 471 13 45 55 \nAddress: Belgium. DTEND:20191007T200000 DTSTAMP:20231020T102717Z DTSTART:20191007T160000 LOCATION:ASML Building 7\, De Run 6635\, Veldhoven\, 5504 DT\, Netherlands SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out for Engineering (SOFE) UID:7c3f3e24-258d-44c1-8e62-9575c3a3e4a5 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR