开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Flight MH370: was air traffic control delibera tely misled?\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Aerospac e Industries\n\nSpeak Details: Jean-Marc Garot\, is a former Director of E UROCONTROL’s Experimental Centre\nJean-Luc Marchand is a specialist in Dig ital Signal Processing and air traffic management R&D.\nArgiris Kamoulakos has experience in numerical analysis and simulation/virtual prototyping i n aerospace and defence.\n\nDescription : Three members of the CAPTIO Team will be in Brussels to present their views on the disappearance of MH370. \n\nThe CAPTIO team unites expertise in air traffic control system engine ering\; data processing\; numerical analysis and virtual prototyping in ae rospace and defence.\n\n\nThey are engineers who have used information gle aned from official reports\, radar and satellite data\, publications from the scientific community and evidence derived from debris recovered to pos it theories about what could have happened.\n\n\nThey will illustrate a pl ausible trajectory that might have taken advantage of the shortcomings in civil and military air traffic control &ndash\; and the antiquated air/gro und communication systems in particular. People in command of the flight & ndash\; the pilots? hijackers? &ndash\; would have been able to fly practi cally undetected. \n\nOne thing is known from the Inmarsat communication w atchdog data: the flight ended in the Indian Ocean. The three CAPTIO membe rs will present the latest results from their analyses\, following on the presentation they made to the RAeS Paris Branch on 9 October 2018.\n\n\n\n The event is free of charge for Branch Members\; a fee of &euro\;5 will be requested from other participants. \n \;\nA drinks reception will be held after the talk.\n\nPlease note that due to heightened security arrang ements currently in force at EUROCONTROL\, no minors under the age of 18. No unregistered participants will be allowed to enter the premises. \n\nP lease register by contacting the Royal Aeronautical Society here.\n\nConta ct Details: Royal Aeronautical Society Brussels\n\n Alternative Contact: P aul Bennington\nTelephone: +32 471 13 45 55\nAddress: Belgium. DTEND:20190918T210000 DTSTAMP:20231020T210447Z DTSTART:20190918T180000 LOCATION:EUROCONTROL Headquarters\, Pilatus Meeting Room\, 96 Rue de la Fus ée\, Brussels\, 1130\, Belgium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Flight MH370: was air traffic control deliberately misled? UID:c2f5a7c8-cb56-46f1-9adc-93382dfce71f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR