开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Gratitude Ceremony by Team NUST Airworks\n\nEv ent Type: Social event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : Team NUST Airworks-Beta\, in IMechE's Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Challenge 2019\, was declared the Grand Champion along with numerous other awards. This inspiring victory was fueled by the team's tir eless efforts\, and bolstered by tremendous support from IMechE Pakistan m embers. To acknowledge all efforts of IMechE Pakistan\, NUST PNEC organize d a Gratitude Ceremony on August 8\, 2019.\n\nWith around 20 IMechE and 20 non-IMechE members\, the evening of gratitude kicked off at Jauhar Audito rium in NUST PNEC (Karachi\, Pakistan). The event\, on behalf of IMechE Pa kistan\, was attended by Dr. Bilal Siddiqui and Ms. Namrah Khalid Khan.&nb sp\;\n\n\n\nThe evening initiated with the recitation of The Holy Quran\, followed by a speech of commemoration for IMechE Pakistan by the Team Airw orks. The members of the team mentioned that they were enormously assisted by IMechE Pakistan from the beginning of their journey to the end\, their coronation.\n\n\n\nOn this occasion\, Dr. Siddiqui and Ms. Namrah also ma de speeches. In their orations\, they highlighted the importance and vital ity of industry-academia linkage. They also accentuated that in a world wh ich was rapidly advancing in STEM\, it was absolutely necessary for Pakist ani universities to focus on and incorporate Project-based learning in the engineering curriculum. This approach not only helps the budding engineer s to develop hands-on skills\, but also assists them in tackling the chall enges faced by the industry more effectively. Lastly\, the speakers mentio ned the innumerable ways in which IMechE was helping young engineers profe ssionally and technically improve themselves.\n\n \; \;\n\nThe ev ening was concluded with the presentation of souvenirs as a symbol of grat itude to the guests: Dr. Bilal and Ms. Namrah.\n\n\n\n\n \; \; &n bsp\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; &nbs p\; \; \;Written By: \;Ms. Sunia Tanweer (SMME\, NUST\, Paki stan)\n\nContact Details: Dr. Bilal Siddiqui\nAddress: Pakistan.\n\n Alter native Contact: Namrah Khalid\nAddress: Pakistan. DTEND:20190808T170000 DTSTAMP:20230627T163309Z DTSTART:20190808T130000 LOCATION:NUST PNEC\, Pakistan\, PNS Jauhar Karsaz Faisal Cantonment\, Karac hi\, Karachi City\, Sindh\, Pakistan\, Karachi\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Gratitude Ceremony by Team NUST Airworks UID:8c7013fd-27fc-425c-997c-4968b8cad938 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR