开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Challenges in the development of medical techn ology for low-middle income countries\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\n Industry Sector: Biomedical engineering\n\nSpeak Details: Dr Aranceta-Garz a is originally from Mexico City\, where she studied Biomedical Engineerin g. Her interest in rehabilitation led to further\npostgrad study and resea rch at the University of Strathclyde in upper limb prosthetics\, particula rly forearm anatomy and physiology using electromyography.\n\nDescription : Following Dr Arenceta-Garza&rsquo\;s PhD\, she took up a postdoctoral re search position at Strathclyde University in order to has developed resear ch into the development of assistive technologies for manufacture and anal ysis and interpretation of electrophysiological muscle signals in order to understand neurophysiological involvement during abnormal movements or fa ilure.\n\n\nHer current research covers Global Challenges Research Fund pr ojects with Sub-Saharan Africa to improve assistive technologies\, and wit h South-Pacific Asia to study neurophysiological involvement of diseases i n order to develop technologies that will alleviate current health-economi c burden in developing countries.\nThis presentation will discuss the barr iers and limitations of developing medical technology from a developed cou ntry\, for use in developing countries.\n\n\nContact Details: Ken Brown\nA ddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20191003T203000 DTSTAMP:20230820T072541Z DTSTART:20191003T183000 LOCATION:Jury's Inn Glasgow\, 80 Jamaica St\, Glasgow\, G1 4QG\, United Kin gdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Challenges in the development of medical technology for low-middle income countries UID:0cf79287-6c74-4fa1-a364-6a01e62314b4 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR