开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Guidance Seminar on Global UGRAD Exchange Prog ramme\n\nEvent Type: Seminar\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Det ails: \n\nDescription : IMechE UET Taxila Chapter organizes a number of ev ents to polish the technical as well as non-technical skills of the studen ts of Department of Mechanical Engineering at UET Taxila\, Pakistan. Keepi ng these aspects in mind\, the student chapter arranged a seminar on UGRAD Semester Exchange Program for the second and third year students. The sem inar was arranged in collaboration with the student chapter of American So ciety of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) at UET. Held on 26th September 2019 a t UET Taxila\, the event attracted around 130 students\, including 40+ mem bers of the chapters.\nTo organize the seminar\, a committee was formed by the Student Chairs of both student chapters\, Mr. Balaj Hassan and Mr. Al i Raza Joyia. The responsibilities were divided equally\, and both chapter s put their maximum efforts to make the event successful. \nThe speaker fo r this event was Mr. Muhammad Hassan Dajana\, who is an alumnus of UGRAD E xchange Program 2015. He is also the winner of the Pakistan US Alumni Netw ork (PUAN)&rsquo\;s Young Emerging Leader Award. Currently\, Mr. Dajana is working on the following remarkable projects:\n\n Plastic-free Pakista n\n Letters from the West\n\nThe event began at sharp 1400 hours with t he opening speech by the hosts\, Ms. Aimen Habib and Mr. Shumail Siddique\ , who briefed the audience about the chapters and their vision. They\, the n\, welcomed the speaker\, who introduced himself\, and then discussed the main aspects of the application for the Semester Exchange program. He als o shed light on the fully funded Study of the US Institutes (SUSI) program organized by the US Department of State. He covered all aspects of the ap plications\, while focusing on the Statement of Purpose. Finally\, he open ed the floor for questions\, and answered all questions posed to him regar ding the scholarship programs.\nOverall\, the event was very informative f or the undergraduate students. It concluded with great zest and helped the students think about the various platforms that they can use to showcase their talent. It raised awareness among the audience regarding the differe nt scholarships programs that are offered to Pakistani students. The semin ar showed the undergrads that exposure of the outside world is essential f or a complete grooming of one&rsquo\;s personality and character. \n\n\n\n \;\n \;\nWritten By: Mr. Ahsan Raza (UET Taxila\, Pakistan)\n\nCo ntact Details: Daniyal Ahmed\nTelephone: +923334719168\nAddress: Pakistan. DTEND:20190926T150000 DTSTAMP:20230820T022125Z DTSTART:20190926T130000 LOCATION:UET Taxila\, Pakistan\, UET Link Road\, Taxila\, Rawalpindi\, Punj ab 47080\, Pakistan\, Taxila\, 47080\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Guidance Seminar on Global UGRAD Exchange Programme UID:1ee16ed5-6e5b-4aa4-85ce-a7939f018609 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR