开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Royal Society of Chemistry\n\nEvent Type: Tech nical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Automobile\n\nSpeak Details: Ivone Kaize ler\, Team Leader\, European Commission\nProf Jean-Francois Gohy\, Univers ité catholique de Louvain\nProf Joris Proost\, Université catholique de Lo uvain\n\nDescription : The format of our Café\; Chimique debates is to have short presentations (max 10 minutes) from a panel of speakers to h elp our audience understand the issues\, possibilities and policy pros and cons before we launch into an audience-led debate on the subject.\n\n\nOu r three speakers will provide short introductory talks which will be follo wed by an audience led discussion. As with our previous debates the audien ce will be seated in a café\;-style format and a gratis bar and ligh t refreshments will be available before and during the event.\n\n\nDoors w ill open at 19h30 and the debate will commence by 20h00 at the latest\n\n\ nThe event will be free entry\, but we will be collecting for our Norman L loyd Scholarship Fund during the event and a minimum contribution of EUR 5 per person would be appreciated.\n\n\nRegistration for this event is now open exclusively via this Googleform: https://forms.gle/Zjky9X6B8vhW3Ft5A\ n\nContact Details: RSC Belgium\nAddress: Belgium.\n\n Alternative Contact : Paul Bennington\nTelephone: +32 471 13 45 55\nAddress: Belgium. DTEND:20191127T210000 DTSTAMP:20231024T101334Z DTSTART:20191127T193000 LOCATION:Auderghem Cultural Centre\, Boulevard du Souverain 183\, Brussels\ , 1160\, Belgium SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Royal Society of Chemistry UID:d53e9c4a-0f04-4c63-a716-584190a5b609 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR