开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Sustainable developments - Marine technology\n \nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Offshore engineering\n \nSpeak Details: Jeroen Dierickx has studied electromechanical engineering at Ghent University. The past two years he was responsible for LeanShips Work Package 5 with the objective to demonstrate the potential of methano l as an alternative marine fuel.\n\nDescription : In this presentation a s et of criteria will be determined to assess new technologies and it will b e reasoned why methanol as a marine fuel and the internal combustion engin e pop us as promising technologies.\n\n\nFurther\, Work Package 5 of the E U Flagship project LeanShips\, that had the aim to demonstrate methanol as a marine fuel\, will be presented. The approach and the results of the pr oject will be elaborated.\n\n\nWould you kindly let me know if you plan to attend this event by registering online. Please register before Thursday 13th of February\, so that we can order sufficient refreshments.\n\n\nPlea se note we have changed our policy concerning refreshments for non-members of IMarEST. We now kindly ask a contribution to refreshment costs of 5 eu ro&rsquo\;s from non-members. The bank account number of IMarEST BeNeLux b ranch is: NL67 RABO 0364 6179 69 (no refunds).\n\nContact Details: IMarEST Benelux\nAddress: Netherlands.\n\n Alternative Contact: Paul Bennington\n Telephone: +32 471 13 45 55\nAddress: Belgium. DTEND:20200218T210000 DTSTAMP:20231021T155403Z DTSTART:20200218T183000 LOCATION:Delft University of Technology\, 3ME Faculty\, Mekelweg 2\, Delft\ , 2628 CD\, Netherlands SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Sustainable developments - Marine technology UID:32ac8dc1-6ddd-4858-b3ca-00ffddd5edcc END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR