开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Visit Irving Brewers Portsmouth Brewery\n\nEve nt Type: Technical visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Food engineering\n\nSpeak Det ails: \n\nDescription : \n\n\nTechnical Visit Irving Brewers Portsmouth Br ewery\n\nVenue (plentiful parking outside):\n\nUnit G1 Railway Triangle\nW alton Road\nPortsmouth\nPO6 1TQ\n\nTours usually follow the following form at:\n\n- Arrive at 7.00-7.30pm\, enjoy a welcome pint!\n- Brewery tour/tal k approx. 30 mins\n- Beer available to enjoy at your own pace until 9.30pm \n- The tour includes a souvenir glass to keep\n- Groups depart at 10.00pm \;\n\nIf you book here on Near You and pay by Midnight Thurs 20th Feb tickets will cost only £\;10 per person. If you don't book by then t he cost will revert to £\;12.00 per person &ndash\; paid on the day. \n \;\nRequires a minimum of 8 people &ndash\; max number 25. We will be submitting our confirmation numbers on Friday 21st to let the brewery k now what numbers we are expecting.\n\nPlease also invite your Colleagues\, Family and Friends (18+ Only for this event)\n\nPlease also help us get t he word out:\n- Bookmark \;PortIoW NearYou\n\n- Like\, Follow &\; S hare IMeche Wessex Facebook Page\n- Like\, Follow &\; Share any IMechE Posts or Events on Facebook \;\n- Don't forget to say that you are goi ng to any of our events on Facebook\n\n\nContact Details: Jason Crouch\n\n Alternative Contact: Christian Sloan-Murphy DTEND:20200224T220000 DTSTAMP:20230820T062236Z DTSTART:20200224T190000 LOCATION: Irving Brewery\, Unit G1\, Railway Triangle\, Walton Road\, \, Po rtsmouth\, PO6 1TQ\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Visit Irving Brewers Portsmouth Brewery UID:607c4174-a5a9-45a9-8e9d-04dac0bc6d83 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR