开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Portsmouth & Isle of Wight Area Committee Meet ing Q1 2020\n\nEvent Type: Committee meeting or AGM\n\nIndustry Sector: Cr oss-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Champion - Hon Sec\n\nDescription : A chance for the committee to commence the plan and budget for \;the event prog ramme for 2020 and update the planning for 2019 \;\n\nYou may submit for the agenda to the Hon Sec and myself up until the Sunday before the Ev ent (1st March)\n\nWe are always looking to members to assist with the Are a committee\, if you are interested\, please contact the Chair or Hon Sec to find out more about the roles. \n\nDuring \;the meeting a meal will be served in the Meeting room. Menu choice will need to be made 48hrs in advance - by email to the secretary. The menu will be circulated with the meeting papers in advance. \;\n\nPlease note:\n&bull\;Smart Casual att ire is required\n&bull\;Please register your attendance ASAP (Book on Near You) with the Honorary Secretary as food needs to be booked in advance.\n \n\nContact Details: Jason Crouch\n\n Alternative Contact: Christian Sloan -Murphy DTEND:20200303T213000 DTSTAMP:20230820T062230Z DTSTART:20200303T180000 LOCATION:The Dolphin (Pub)\, Old Portsmouth\, 41 High St\, Portsmouth\, PO1 2LU\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Portsmouth & Isle of Wight Area Committee Meeting Q1 2020 UID:fea5e24e-16fb-4c6b-bbd5-3550e87949f9 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR