开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Beyond Conventional - Emerging Technologies M ini Webinar Series - Episode 4\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustr y Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Alfonso Pagani\, Politecnico di T orino\n\nAndrea Cantarutti\, IDS Spa\n\nDaniele Apparuti\, Tetra Pak®\n\nD escription : CAE is now a well-established technology within huge range of industry sectors\, with Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid D ynamics commonly used in many design activities. As engineering simulation continues to gain greater traction in industry\, the technology itself is evolving at a rapid rate: novel solution techniques are being developed a nd new numerical approaches being introduced.\nThis event from NAFEMS aims to put a spotlight on the capabilities that are becoming available\, anal ysing the extent to which they are able to deliver on their promises\, and exploring the level of deployment by industry\, now and in the future.\nT he focus for this event is on looking further than the day-to-day and exam ining new techniques and use-cases from across the community\, providing a n introduction to some of the new methods that are reaching the market and suggesting several new and innovative approaches\, which will expand your knowledge\, with the pros and cons for practical engineering applications being the focus.\nGiven the current situation\, the traditional one-day e vent has been changed in four short webinars (~ 1 hour long).\n\nWebinars are free upon registration in the NAFEMS site. Presentations will be mainl y held in Italian.\nFor further information and to Book \; (please als o book on this IMechE page):\n\nhttps://www.nafems.org/events/nafems/2020/ beyond-conventional-emerging-technologies-episode-1/\nhttps://www.nafems.o rg/events/nafems/2020/beyond-conventional-emerging-technologies-episode-2/ \nhttps://www.nafems.org/events/nafems/2020/beyond-conventional-emerging-t echnologies-episode-3/\nhttps://www.nafems.org/events/nafems/2020/beyond-c onventional-emerging-technologies-episode-4/\n\nEpisode 4\n\n\n \n \n \n Global-local Plug-in for High-fidelity Comp osite Stress Analysis\n \n \n Alfonso Pag ani\,\n Politecnico di Torino\n \n \n \n \n Electromagnetic Physics as a Key Technology in to new SMART Products\n \n \n Andrea Cant arutti\,\n IDS Spa\n \n \n \n \n Tetra Pak®\; Approach to Simulation Data Management an d Optimization\n \n \n Daniele Apparuti\, \n Tetra Pak®\;\n \n \n \n\n\nContact D etails: Giulio Malinverno\nTelephone: +39 329 012 0271\nAddress: Como\, 2 2100\, Italy.\n\n Alternative Contact: Daniel Fantoni\nTelephone: +39 3355 445171\nAddress: Torino\, Italy. DTEND:20200619T170000 DTSTAMP:20231023T133627Z DTSTART:20200619T160000 LOCATION:NAFEMS Webinar 4\, https://www.nafems.org/events/nafems/2020/beyon d-conventional-emerging-technologies-episode-4/\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Beyond Conventional - Emerging Technologies Mini Webinar Series - Episode 4 UID:95100aae-f9f3-4233-b459-626223b02352 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR