开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Mind Mapping for Freelancing\n\nEvent Type: Se minar\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : Need for the webinar:\nKeeping in view the global shortage of jobs as a c ost-cutting measure for companies. Freelancing came out as the best choice for individuals to earn according to their ability and financial needs. T he webinar educated our audience about some of the following essential fac tors that a freelancer must know:\n\n The skills required to start your own freelancing business\n The types of Freelancing\n The way of co mmunicating with clients.\n How to convince the buyer to buy your servi ces.\n How one can boost his/her sales through Social Media promotions\ n Building your portfolio \n\n \;\nPre-Event Activities:\nIt was a free session for all types of audiences especially university undergraduat e and graduate students. It was made public\; promotions and advertisement s were made through social media i.e. WhatsApp\, Facebook\, emails\, etc b y mass sharing. The event was hosted by Saram Tahir\, the event lead for p ublic relations. The event leads along with their roles are as follows:\n& nbsp\;\n\n \n \n \n Name\n \n \n Department\n \n \n Roles\n \n \n \n \n Ahmad Bilal \n \n \n Marketing\n \n \n Management of Poster Designing\, Hosting\, etc\n \n \n \n \n Ghulam Muhamma d Palli\n \n \n Publications\n \n \n Leading the documentation of event report and completing the captions for the Facebook page posts\n \n \n \n \n Saram Tahir \n \n \n Public Relations\n \n \n Event hosting\, invitations for speakers and Guest hospitality\, etc\n \n \n \n \n Talha Siyal \n \n \n Registrations\n \n \n Generating Feedback and E-Certificate forms\n \n \n \n\n \;\nEvent Day:\nStarting with event reminders through our social media and making all arrangements from Instructor hosp itality to marketing\, right in time\, the main event finally started with about 15 to 20 participants and grabbed the interest of the audience. The recorded event now has 1200+ views with people rating it as an excellent opportunity to learn. Through feedback forms\, we know that our online sem inar has gotten a 5/5 rating. E-Certificates were handed over to the parti cipants right after the event.\n \;\nThe webinar guided our audience t o take the perfect first step in the freelancing world and gave a pathway to the potential future freelancers. The excitement and satisfaction of th e participants was evident in the comment box.\n \;\nWritten by: MUHAM MAD OSAMA\n\nContact Details: Mahnoor Syed\nTelephone: 0334-3509769\nAddre ss: Pakistan.\n\n Alternative Contact: Areej Aamir\nTelephone: 03032639934 \nAddress: Karachi\, Pakistan. DTEND:20200728T170000 DTSTAMP:20230712T050012Z DTSTART:20200728T150000 LOCATION:Online Event\, via Email submission\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Mind Mapping for Freelancing UID:f84a3e5c-e965-4c0c-9d00-0f60f7baaf95 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR