开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Novel-coronavirus outbreak lecture\n\nEvent Ty pe: Seminar\n\nIndustry Sector: Other Industries / Sectors\n\nSpeak Detail s: \n\nDescription : 27 Feb 2020\, 3:00-5:00 PM\nVenue : Central hall-Khar toum university\n\nIn cooperation with world health organization implement ed in Sudan a corona virus lecture was held in the university of Khartoum to raise awareness on the pandemic situation among the university communit y and more\, the lecture was presented by a staff from WHO. The lecture wa s attended by many students and the dean of the faculty of engineering .Al so glimpses the lecture was posted on our twitter page here Glimpses on tw itter and recorded live on our facebook page here Facebook live.\n\nContac t Details: Tsabeeh Swaraldahb\nAddress: Sudan.\n\n Alternative Contact: Ah med Mohmmed\nTelephone: +249907390191 DTEND:20200227T163000 DTSTAMP:20230820T014707Z DTSTART:20200227T140000 LOCATION:Central hall Khartoum university\, alJamma st.\, Khartoum\, Sudan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Novel-coronavirus outbreak lecture UID:64f6108b-ed9b-4695-9cc8-afd9c3be9d3d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR