开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Machine learning lecture\n\nEvent Type: Semina r\n\nIndustry Sector: Machine systems informatics & control\n\nSpeak Detai ls: \n\nDescription : As an initiative from the IMechE branch in Khartoum university to increase the familiarity of the students with the fields of specialization in our mechanical department\, a machine learning seminar t ook place in Alturabi hall. During which the speakers talked about the fie ld of specialization "Mechatronics" and the difference between the machine learning and artificial intelligence and the variety of job opportunities available in this field.The lecture was attended by many students who wer e interested in this field.\n\nContact Details: Mohanned Hamid\nTelephone: +249905516706 DTEND:20200229T160000 DTSTAMP:20230804T074001Z DTSTART:20200229T140000 LOCATION:Alturabi hall Khartoum university\, alJamma st.\, Khartoum\, Sudan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Machine learning lecture UID:204ccf99-d933-45de-82e0-2d599d9facf8 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR