开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Abul Kalam Design Challenge 2020\n\nEvent Type : Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\ nDescription : Before the Event:\nThe event was announced and advertised t hrough various posters on WhatsApp and the official Facebook page of IMech E NUST PNEC Student Chapter. The posts included details and specifications of the event\, an announcement of mentors for the teams\, and registratio n forms and procedures. The captions were therefore designed so that stude nts' interest will be increased in applying for it. The first-year student s of PNEC were mailed the competition and registration details to make sur e each student will come to know about it. The participants were then sent reminders through email about the upcoming deadlines.\nThe event was mana ged by M. Ali as the Registration lead and Abdul Moiz Ali as the Public Re lations Lead. Despite these\, the mentors were assigned to the teams so th at the participants cannot feel down if any problem arises and continue to pitch their idea. The mentors are Second-year Mechanical Engineering stud ents at NUST-PNEC and were chosen due to their earlier experience from tak ing part in the Abul Kalam Design Challenge last year and making it to the national phase.\n\n Farzan Ahmed Nisar\n Umar Sultan\n Uzair Mud assir\n\nOn the Event Day:\nThe event began with the collection of insight ful reports and posters from participants. The submissions were judged wis ely by Dr. Muhammad Nasir Bashir\, the highly educated and experienced Ass istant Professor at NUST-PNEC.\nThe winner and runner-up teams respectivel y\, were as follows:\n\n Team Brute Force consisting of students of Ele ctrical Engineering Taimur Shahzad\, Fayzan Baig\, and Abdul Mateen\n T eam Epsilon of Mechanical Engineering students Uzair Bhatti and Mustafa Ma qsood \n\nThe design of the successful team was unique and consisted of an adjustable\, safe\, and flexible line launcher which was also cost-friend ly and reliable. After the official announcement of the winner\, the const ructive feedback to all the participants was provided by the judge. The ev ent concluded by 9 p.m. on 17 September 2020.\nWritten by: Farzan Ahmed Ni sar\n\nContact Details: Mahnoor Syed\nTelephone: 0334-3509769\nAddress: Pa kistan.\n\n Alternative Contact: Areej Aamir\nTelephone: 03032639934\nAddr ess: Karachi\, Pakistan. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200917 DTSTAMP:20230628T134438Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200917 LOCATION:Online Event\, via Email submission\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Abul Kalam Design Challenge 2020 UID:4286c247-93f1-43d9-8c5b-d2673fd46801 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR