开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - IEng & CEng Applications Workshop\n\nEvent Typ e: Professional development event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpea k Details: Craig Davies\, Business Development Executive\n\nDescription : \n\n\nMany engineers have expressed a wish to become Professionally Regist ered Engineers and Members of the IMechE. \; This workshop has been de signed to help you complete your application over two sessions. \;\nDu ring the sessions\, we will guide you through each of the five UKSPEC comp etence statements and the application paperwork\; helping you to complete the application form over the two sessions.\n\nGuidance\, feedback and adv ice will be provided throughout the session\, as you write your applicatio n. \;\nSubsequently you will receive full written feedback on your app lication (as long as you are not applying via MPDS)\, and will have the op portunity to submit your application for an interview over the following w eeks.\nWe will also look at what to expect at the professional review inte rview.\nYou must already meet the academic and competence requirements to be able to attend this workshop. \; We will ask you to confirm this wh en you book. \; If you are unsure\, please email bdm@imeche.org. \; \;\nWhat you'll be able to do at the end of this course:\n\n Un derstand how your qualifications\, career and experience map across to the requirements for IEng or CEng Registration\n Compose Personal Competen ce Statements and a Development Action Plan\n Submit an application for Membership\n Prepare for your Professional Review Interview \;\n\n Topics covered\n\n The application form and competence statements\n The Development Action Plan\n The Professional Review Interview\n\nRegi ster today\, our expert team can set you on the right path. \; \ ; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \;\ nDate(s) &\; Time(s): \n\n Monday 25 January - 6-7pm\n Wednesday 27 January - 6-7pm\n \n Thursday 28 January - 6-7pm\n\nYou must be a vailable to attend all parts of this workshop.\n\n 1-2-1s as required t hereafter\n\nLocation: \nWebex Presentation followed by a 1-2-1 session on Microsoft Teams\, Skype or phone call. \; \; \; \; &n bsp\; \;\nAttendance is free of charge.\nRegister for this event:\nYou need to pre-register to attend these sessions. Please email Jacqueline Br own - bdm@imeche.org to register.\nYou don&rsquo\;t have to be a member of the Institution to participate\, so if you have a colleague/friend who wo uld be interested in joining the Institution\, please do share this inform ation with them. \;\n\nContact Details: MDM (Membership Development & Apprentices) DTEND:20210128T190000 DTSTAMP:20230820T062301Z DTSTART:20210125T180000 LOCATION:Online Webinar\, Online Webinar\, Online Webinar\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:IEng & CEng Applications Workshop UID:11b249ea-3d78-4800-9338-015e678454ac END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR