开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Future rail power options (Joint event with IE T)\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Railway\n\nSpeak D etails: David Shirres\nDavid retired from Network Rail in 2009 after a car eer that\nincluded rolling stock engineering\, asset management and infras tructure\nprojects. \nHe is editor of Rail Engineer magazine and also writ es a\nregular railway engineering column for Professional Engineering maga zine.\n\nDescription : \n\nTo join the meeting click on the link:\nClick\n here to join the meeting\n\n \;David Shirres presents his view for the future of onboard power for railway application. The presentation will co nsider:\nUK decarbonisation context\nWeaning rail off petroleum\nElectrifi cation - benefits\, challenges and politics \;\nDeployment of hydrogen trains and supporting infrastructure\nBattery trains developments\nCan re search change the required traction mix\nThe transition to next zero\n\n\n David retired from Network Rail in 2009 after a 38-year railway career tha t\nincluded rolling stock engineering\, asset management and infrastructur e\nprojects. \;\nIn 2010\, he became a writer for Rail Engineer magazi ne and has been the\nmagazine's editor since 2016. He has written over 200 features for the\nmagazine including a number on rail decarbonisation. He also writes a\nregular railway engineering column for Professional Engine ering magazine.\nDavid is also actively involved in the IMechE Railway Div ision in Scotland\nhaving been Chair and Secretary of the Division's Scott ish Centre/ \;\n\nContact Details: Mick James\nAddress: United Kingdo m. DTEND:20210223T190000 DTSTAMP:20230819T165155Z DTSTART:20210223T173000 LOCATION:VIRTUAL LECTURE\, At the comfort of your own home\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Future rail power options (Joint event with IET) UID:505e2eb3-fa13-4e60-b630-34121fb9906e END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR