开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - The Future of 3D Printing with GoPrint3D and A dditive-X\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Other Indus tries / Sectors\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : Additive Manufacturing Landscape: Prototype to End Use Parts\n\n\nMany companies that engage wit h GoPrint3D are either new to Additive Manufacturing (AM) or have been det erred by perceived high entry costs \;of equipment\, other companies a re waiting to widen their AM capabilities. \;\nThis talk will look at cost effective Additive Manufacturing\, looking for the right solution&nbs p\;and reducing the barriers to entry using case studies from our customer base to look at what can be achieved by replacing traditional manufacture d parts for 3D Printed equivalents and how this has led to benefits beyond the item itself.\nThe link to register is: \;\nhttps://www.workcast.c om/register?cpak=5171680247931378\n\nPlease see the below poster for more information:\n\n \;\nAttendees of 'The Future of 3D Printing' webinar on the 30th November 2020\, please email \;amanda@additive-x.com \ ;with your name\, company\, address and telephone number by 23rd \;Nov ember if you would like a 3D printed part in the post in time for the webi nar. Requests received after the 23rd \;won&rsquo\;t be guaranteed to be delivered before the webinar.\n\nContact Details: Sunil C Panchbhai\nT elephone: 0000000000 DTEND:20201130T123000 DTSTAMP:20231014T223621Z DTSTART:20201130T113000 LOCATION:Online Event\, -\, -\, -\, -\, -\, India SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Future of 3D Printing with GoPrint3D and Additive-X UID:d9b2dad7-ecb6-45d0-a244-b72fd5139921 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR