开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Virtual Speak Out for Engineering (SOfE Locals )\n\nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpe ak Details: \n\nDescription : \n\nScaled as\nHeld On\nDecember 19th\, 2020 \nPlatform\nZoom meeting (online)\nTiming\n8:30 - 17:00 \;\nJudges Pa nel\n \nTo evaluate the participant's performance\, very proficient\, high ly qualified and experienced judges were present in the session. With thei r high expertise in the field of technology and linguistics\, they judged the technical idea and presentation skills of the students.\n\n Miss Ma heen Tufail &ndash\; PhD fellow (Applied Linguistics)\n Sir Zain Shahid &ndash\; PhD fellow (Energy)\, M.Engg. (Energy Systems)\n Miss Asmara Shafqat &ndash\; PhD fellow (Applied Linguistics)\n Sir Muhammad Farooq Siddiqui &ndash\; M.Engg. (Energy Management)\n\nCommencement of the Even t\nThe total audience was estimated at an all-time high of 200\, with more than 70 IMechE members. The event was headed by Zahra Ashfaq &ndash\; Co- lead Team Creativity and Mujtaba Kazmi &ndash\; Executive member Team Even t Management\, who burned the midnight oil in making the event possible an d guiding every participant to give presentation virtually.\nIntroduction\ nThe hosts\, Mishraz Hussain and Rabia Imtiaz\, welcomed the audience\, ju dges and participants and invited Mr. Irshad Afzal to begin the session wi th the recitation of Holy verses of The Quran in his soulful voice. Event was officially commenced with the national anthem of Pakistan followed by a brief introduction of IMechE\, IMechE NED Student Chapter and the event itself 'SOfE'. The hosts then introduced the panel of judges and asked the m to have their say regarding our event.\nPresentations\nParticipants were \, one-by-one\, asked to come forward to present their ideas. All particip ants tried their best to present an ingenious idea which was different fro m the other's\, so as to improve their chances of victory in this thrillin g competition. 47 students participated in the competition\, who proposed their ideas from every discipline of engineering which were able to solve real-world problems. All participants delivered their presentation virtual ly with a PowerPoint presentation streamed on the platform.\n\nQuestion &a mp\; Answer Session\nWhen all participants completed their presentations\, the judges started the Question &\; Answer session with each student. They interrogated every participant regarding his idea\, its applications and how can it be implemented on larger scale for the benefit of the socie ty.\nResult Announcement\nParticipants were judged on the basis of their s tructure and content of presentation\, effective use of presentation mater ial\, handling of questions and complexity of technical content. After the Question &\; Answer session\, results were announced by the honourable judges. Ghulam Ahmed Bin Saeed was declared the winner of the competition for his idea of "Water purification using activated carbon and sedimentat ions". Marium Irfan and Muhammad Daniyal Ishtiaq were announced the runner ups for their topics of "5G Wireless Technology" and "Cricket and Technol ogy" respectively.\n\nIn the end\, the judges motivated the audience as we ll as the participating students\, and appreciated IMechE NED Student Chap ter for providing the students with a platform for enhancing their skills. Furthermore\, they accentuated the importance of events like SOfE in impr oving the quality of the engineers produced by Pakistan.\nWritten By:\nMuh ammad Haashir Absar\n\nContact Details: Talha Waseem\nTelephone: +92341760 9926\nAddress: Pakistan.\n\n Alternative Contact: Mohammad Affan Khokhar\n Telephone: +923353454954\nAddress: Pakistan. DTEND:20201219T170000 DTSTAMP:20230627T094154Z DTSTART:20201219T090000 LOCATION:Online Event\, via Email submission\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virtual Speak Out for Engineering (SOfE Locals) UID:77b61e19-7d3b-47af-8250-71014d3d31c6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR