开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Virual Orientation 2020\n\nEvent Type: Talk or debate\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : Scaled as\nHeld on\n14th of November\, 2020.\nLocation\nOnline &ndash\; Facebook Live.\nTime\n20:00 hours &ndash\; 21:00 hours.\nHonorary Presenc e\nThey are IMechE's leading social pillars who were present in the Virtua l Ceremony for supporting us to envision the reputed position in the succe ss ground with their high expertise in technicality. Our precedent Executi ve Committee and Mentors are our backbones whom we welcomed to our Virtual Orientation.\n\n Mr. Asaad Iqbal &ndash\; Former Director Technical\, currently serving in SUPARCO. \n Mr. Muhammad Junaid Alam &ndash\; Form er Chairperson 2016-17\, currently serving in SSGC.\n Mr. Muhammad Soha ib Moin &ndash\; Former Co-Director Technical 2017-18.\n Mr. Adeel Yaqo ob Khanzada &ndash\; Former Chairperson 2018-19.\n Mr. Muhammad Zeeshan Anwer &ndash\; Former Vice Chairperson 2018-19.\n Mr. Syed Muzammil Pa sha &ndash\; Former Treasurer 2019-20.\n Mr. Ahmed Baig &ndash\; Former Director General 2019-20.\n\n\nPanel discussion of IMechE NED Student Cha pter's mentors.\nCommencement of the Virtual Session\nThe host\, Mr. Salma n Abbasi\, began the ceremony with a brief introduction of our prestigious society and showed a presentation video of IMechE and what its events loo k like. The host soon welcomed our Executive Committee. Mr. Muhammad Hamma d &ndash\; Student Chair\, Mr. Mohammad Affan Khokhar &ndash\; Student Vic e Chair\, Miss Nida Gul &ndash\; Honorary Secretary\, Mr. Muhammad Bin Sha rif &ndash\; Team Lead Public Relations and Mr. Muhammad Khizar Hayat &nda sh\; Honorary Treasurer discussed their journey in IMechE NED Student Chap ter\, emphasized on how much importance interpersonal skills hold in an en gineering career besides engineering knowledge that are inculcated by work ing in the society and persuaded the freshmen to join IMechE. \n\nExecutiv e Committee for the tenure 2020-21\n \;\nMr. Salman then welcomed the previous Executive Committee and IMechE's Mentors. The Virtual Session inc luded a panel discussion with the preceding IMechE's Executive Committee a nd the Mentors\, where they shared about their experience in IMechE and ho w it helped them grow and polish their skills\, which have benefited them in pursuing their desired job and are assisting them in their professional careers.\nIMechE's Orchestrated Events\nThe events arranged in the previo us tenure of IMechE were discussed\, and how they are organized\, and what one can learn through these events. Some technical events that lead to na tional levels were discussed\, and how one can extract benefits from parti cipating in those events. \nThe discussed events are as follows:\n\n SO fE \n\n\n Speak Out for Engineering is a platform where students can br ainstorm their engineering ideas and present them using their presentation and speaking skills. \n\n\n Mechathon\n \n This competitive event includes two rounds: \n \n Bottle Rocket.\n Bridge Building using Ice Cream Sticks.\n \n \n \n \n AKDC\n \n Students are challenged to build a fully funct ioning robotic device. \n \n \n\n\n Propellair\n \n Thi s event combines all technical talents in one place. A student has to desi gn an RC plane and create a presentation of how they designed the plane an d what strategies they used. \n \n \n\nMembership Description\nHow t o become a member of IMechE\, and if you are one\, how would you get the b enefits of the membership\, and what are the advantages of availing this m embership. Our host and the guests gave a detailed and cerebral insight ab out IMechE's membership and how one can fully benefit from it\, from acces s to an online library to attending intellectual events without any charge s.\nQuestion &\; Answer Session\nThe virtual event was wrapped up with question and answer session held by IMechE's foregoing Executive Committee and Mentors where they cleared the queries of the audience regarding even ts\, membership and other aspects of IMechE.\n\nWritten By: Hafsa Ahmed\n\ nContact Details: Talha Waseem\nTelephone: +923417609926\nAddress: Pakista n.\n\n Alternative Contact: Mohammad Affan Khokhar\nTelephone: +9233534549 54\nAddress: Pakistan. DTEND:20201114T220000 DTSTAMP:20230819T174333Z DTSTART:20201114T210000 LOCATION:Online Event\, via Email submission\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Virual Orientation 2020 UID:89edb09e-04bf-417c-b1c8-85972dfd612e END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR