开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Webinar on Engineering and Management\n\nEvent Type: Professional development event\n\nIndustry Sector: Management\n\nSp eak Details: Mr. Nabeegh has 6 year of experience in FMCG sector\, that in clude Engineering Procurement\, POSM Procurement\, Brand Operations and Co mmodity Trading\nAgricultural inputs procurement lead for Engro Agri Busin ess which also includes Project Planning\, forecasting\n\nDescription : Sc aled as\nHeld On\nNovember 22nd\, 2020\nPlatform\nGoogle Meet (online)\nTi ming\n8:30 - 17:00 \; \;\nSpeaker's Introduction\nMr. Nabeegh Too r\, a Former Junior Manager Procurement at Unilever\, a corporate trainer and a mentor having 6 years of experience in FMCG sector\, shared his know ledge with the attendees regarding his experience both in the engineering and management sectors.\nMoreover he explained everyone what traits and ch aracteristics an HR looks within an engineering student and how difficult it was for him as an engineering student to switch towards management role s\, what were the steps taken by him and how those steps turned out to be beneficial for him in the future.\nProject Objectives\nThe objectives of t he webinar were to:\n\n Build knowledge and expertise regarding managem ent roles in Engineering students\n To show students how Management Pro cesses and Technical Industry roles managed by Engineers.\n To share th e experience of industry experts with students and to enlighten them with some industry basics which have become a necessity for every field.\n A lso in this webinar\, a methodology to help an engineering sector select t he most appropriate problem solving method for the problems/opportunities is presented.\n To answer the most common question inside every student &rsquo\;s mind &ldquo\;Engineers do make good entrepreneurs but should a n ew engineering graduate opt for entrepreneurship?&rdquo\;\n\nTopic of Disc ussion\nMr Nabeegh Toor opened the webinar by providing a brief introducti on of the topic &ldquo\;Engineering and Management&rdquo\;. Later on he wa lked through the key elements of engineering sectors and what an engineeri ng sector demands from engineers. He presented his life experience as an e xample to prime the audience and shared some funny moments of his engineer ing life. Later on he answered some questions from students where he expla ined the importance of developing personality and links in university life and how those social links play an important role in the professional lif e.\nWebinar Outcomes\nParticipants and Attendees came from a broad cross s ection of engineering fields so throughout the webinar\, there were engage ments with questions and discussions. Additional questions on the topics s pecific to the speaker&rsquo\;s work experience were also asked during the webinar.\nThe webinar format was a success and the time frame of 1 &ndash \; 1.5 hours appeared to be enough time to allow facilitation of discussio ns and cover the regulatory and &lsquo\;hot&rsquo\; topics.\n\nWritten By: \nM. Hamza Saleem\n\nContact Details: Talha Waseem\nTelephone: +9234176099 26\nAddress: Pakistan.\n\n Alternative Contact: Mohammad Affan Khokhar\nTe lephone: +923353454954\nAddress: Pakistan. DTEND:20201122T160000 DTSTAMP:20230627T085556Z DTSTART:20201122T150000 LOCATION:Online Event\, via Email submission\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Webinar on Engineering and Management UID:0c6462b2-8e43-40f5-af00-6c5ba3d78a1f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR