开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - GreenValve System: the control valve that reco vers energy: EVENT POSTPONED\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Fluid machinery\n\nSpeak Details: Speaker: Stefano Malavasi\, Ph.D .\n \nStefano took his degree in Civil engineering in 1992 and his Ph.D. i n Hydraulic engineering in 1997. Currently\, he is Full Professor of Hydra ulic and Fluid Mechanics and head of the Hydraulic Laboratory at Politecni co di Milano.\n\nDescription : GreenValve System: the control valve that r ecovers energy\nEVENT POSTPONED\n\n\nThe GreenValve is an innovative contr ol valve\, designed to control the flow and recover part of the energy com monly dissipated in the control process.\nIt is a patent of the Politecnic o di Milano that allows the transformation of a control valve into an ener gy independent IoT system capable of improving flow control and network ma nagement. \;\n\n\n\nThis webinar will explain this innovation and sugg est some of the improvements that GreenValve System allows in the water di stribution system management and more.\nEnergy harvesting on water network gives new perspective for the sustainable \;automation of water dist ribution systems.\n\n \;\n \;\n\nContact Details: Giulio Malinver no\nTelephone: +39 329 012 0271\nAddress: Como\, 22100\, Italy.\n\n Altern ative Contact: Daniel Fantoni\nTelephone: +39 3355445171\nAddress: Torino\ , Italy. DTEND:20210205T190000 DTSTAMP:20231018T114451Z DTSTART:20210205T173000 LOCATION:Remote Meeting\, time for CET (Rome\, Paris\, Berlin)\, Book\, lea ve you email\, Meeting Link will be provided 1 hour before meeting\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:GreenValve System: the control valve that recovers energy: EVENT PO STPONED UID:3cf869fe-be75-4e2f-88f6-2f2f4e8a5c55 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR