开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Webinar: IMechE Developing Engineer Program (S EA)\n\nEvent Type: Professional development event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cros s-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Zen is the South East Asia Development Manager\ , IMechE based in Kuala Lumpur\, Malaysia. He supports engineers through t he process of Professional Registration\, and provides guidance and advice to candidates and their employers.\n\nDescription : The Institution will be giving a presentation about the IMechE's Developing Engineers Program.& nbsp\;\n\nThis webinar is ideal for young professionals who will like to g et a head start in mapping out their competences for professional registra tion. The presenter will cover the following points during the presentatio n:\n- \;The online tools available under the Developing Engineer Progr am\n- Associate benefits of membership\n- Importance of Professional Regis tration\n- Mentoring\n\nRegistration and attendance is free of charge. Onc e you have registered\, the Business Development Manager will \;send y ou a calendar invite with the meeting link for you to join this presentati on.\n\nYou don&rsquo\;t have to be a member of the Institution to particip ate\, so if you have a colleague/friend who would be interested in joining the Institution\, please do share this information with them.\n\nThere ar e other webinar dates on professional development topics. Please view the full list with this link.\n\nhttps://nearyou.imeche.org/near-you/south-eas t-asia\n\nThis event timing above is based on GMT +8 (Malaysia)\n\nContact Details: Zen Teng\nAddress: Malaysia. DTEND:20210820T120000 DTSTAMP:20230929T053722Z DTSTART:20210820T110000 LOCATION:Virtual Event\, South East Asia\, No Physical Venue\, Malaysia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Webinar: IMechE Developing Engineer Program (SEA) UID:14a76e40-df87-4882-b6a1-61983480abcf END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR