开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Relish guitars virtual factory tour\n\nEvent T ype: Technical visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Manufacturing\n\nSpeak Details: S ilvan Küng is the CEO and co-founder of Relish Brothers AG\, trading as Re lish Swiss Guitars\n\nDescription : IMechE Switzerland Group is hosting a live online factory tour of Relish Guitars\, guided by their CEO and co-fo under\, Silvan Kü\;ng.\n\n\n\n\nIn his own words\, Relish have become "a premium disruptive player\nfrom scratch in a traditional electric guita r market".\n\nThe tour itself will last up to one hour and there will be t ime for questions and answers afterwards.\n\nDue to the current coronaviru s situation\, a physical tour is not possible\, so this will be a Google M eets live video stream. \; The video will be recorded and later upload ed to YouTube. \; Please do not join if you are not comfortable with b eing recorded if you ask a question during the tour.\n\nTo register for th is event\, please go to our Eventbrite link:\nhttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk /e/making-premium-guitars-tickets-137790269405\n\nContact Details: Robert Seach\n\n Alternative Contact: Oliver Farrell\nAddress: Switzerland. DTEND:20210219T180000 DTSTAMP:20231019T053150Z DTSTART:20210219T160000 LOCATION:Online\, Virtual event\, Switzerland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Relish guitars virtual factory tour UID:83b8e2a6-fd4d-45e3-8d18-d96dad081d09 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR