开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Morecambe Bay Tidal Barrage – AVAILABLE TO WAT CH NOW\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Power Industri es\n\nSpeak Details: Eur Ing Professor George Aggidis PhD CEng FIMechE\nPr ofessor and Head of Energy Engineering at Lancaster University Board \nMem ber of the IMechE Power Industries Fluid Machinery Group\n\nDescription : Morecambe Bay Tidal Barrage\nThis is one from the North Western Region's s uccessful series of webinars delivered during the lockdown.\n\nThe focus o f the presentation is the Morecambe Bay Tidal Project\, with an update on progress and discussion of the project's potential and the likelihood of t he project becoming a reality. \;\nProfessor George Aggidis develops t he idea that this concept is not only a power station that does other thin gs\, but a multi-functional infrastructure (or environmental management sc heme) that delivers in different spheres (social benefits\; environmental protection\; improved interconnectivity)\; all supported by power generati on.\nThe lecture also covers relevant aspects of Professor Aggidis' resear ch on Tidal Energy at Lancaster University.\n\nClick the link below to vie w this webinar.\nMorecambe Bay Tidal Barrage\n\nContact Details: David Bal l DTEND:20210228T190000 DTSTAMP:20230819T163740Z DTSTART:20210228T180000 LOCATION:Virtual\, Virtual\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Morecambe Bay Tidal Barrage – AVAILABLE TO WATCH NOW UID:cae9d93e-daa6-4dc3-ae96-99a3349f808a END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR