开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - RotaBolt\, Achieving Bolted Joint Integrity th rough Load Measurement\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector : Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: This talk will be presented by Craig Ging ell\, the Product Manager at James Walker who are the owner of the Rotabol t product.\n\nDescription : Achieving Bolted Joint Integrity through Load Measurement\n\nStarting from an assumption of zero knowledge\, this talk w ill introduce the basics of bolting\, how they are tightened\, the limitat ions of use and failure modes. Then diving into how load measurement works \, how it can address the issues highlighted\, and how RotaBolt as a produ ct line is used to measure the load in bolting applications with examples of where this has been successful.\n\nAgenda:\n-First Principles of boltin g\n-Terminology\n-Tightening methods\n-Limitations\n-Failure modes\n-RotaB olt Product\n-Q&\;A\n\nThe talk will be hosted through \;Microsoft& nbsp\;Teams and a link for the event will be sent out in the days leading up to the talk. \;This talk is brought to you by the IMechEs&rsquo\; S outh Lancashire Young Members Panel in collaboration with James Walker.&nb sp\;For any event enquirers please contact the SLYMP secretary at \;ma tthew.hutson@member.imeche.org.\n\nContact Details: DTEND:20210428T130000 DTSTAMP:20230820T061049Z DTSTART:20210428T120000 LOCATION:Virtual Meeting\, Hosted Online via Microsoft Teams\, United Kingd om SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:RotaBolt\, Achieving Bolted Joint Integrity through Load Measuremen t UID:6618237e-2718-4922-ba1a-d9d4718c06db END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR