开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Smart Cities and Interconnectivity\n\nEvent Ty pe: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: B amidele Adebisi is a Professor of Intelligent Infrastructure Systems and H ead of Smart Infrastructure and Industry Research Group\, Department of En gineering\, Manchester Metropolitan University.\n\nDescription : CLICK HER E TO JOIN EVENT!\n\nProf Adebisi's \;has 20 years experience in Academ ic\, Research &\; Development and Industry. \;He received Master&r squo\;s degree in advanced mobile communication engineering and Ph.D. in c ommunication systems both from Lancaster University\, UK. Before that\, he had a Bachelor&rsquo\;s degree in electrical engineering from Ahmadu Bell o University\, Zaria\, Nigeria. \;\nHis research is in embedding sensi ng\, communication\, control\, and data analytic technologies in critical infrastructure\, i.e. water\, energy\, transport (V2X/CAV)\, buildings etc . \;\nHe is the current Vice Chair of IEEE TC-PLC. He has been General Chair/ Co - Chair of IEEE conferences\, e.g. \;21st IEEE ISPLC&rsquo \;18\, UK\; 6th IEEE Int&rsquo\;l Conference on Smart Grid Communications\ , 2015. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed papers\, and given over 30 talks/ panel discussions. He has been part of multi-partner\, multi-count ry projects as Investigator\, e.g. Innovate UK (IoT for smart cities \, &p ound\;10M)\, EU H2020 (Triangulum\, &euro\;23M)\, EPSRC (micro-grid\, &pou nd\;700K)\, EPSRC (UK-S Korea \;P2P Energy Trading\, £\;1M)\, BE IS (UK-Canada -Energy IQ\, £\;2.7M)\, etc. Many of his projects have been in collaboration with partners in South Korea\, Canada\, Brazil\, Nig eria and across the EU\, working with top global players such as Siemens\, Cisco\, BT\, Jaguar Landrover among others. \;He has a strong track record of attracting industrial related grants through Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP). One of such project with Aquacheck Engineering\, an SME in greater Manchester has received the Best \;KTP \;Project of the Year Awards at the KTP Best of the Best Awards Ceremony in September 2 020.\n\nBamidele is a Fellow of IET\, Senior member of IEEE\, a Fellow of Higher Education Academy and a Chartered Engineer. \;\n\nContact Detai ls: Professor Georgina Harris\nAddress: United Kingdom.\n\n Alternative C ontact: Raam Shanker DTEND:20210420T190000 DTSTAMP:20230820T012747Z DTSTART:20210420T180000 LOCATION:ONLINE\, Please see full details for online links\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Smart Cities and Interconnectivity UID:88c3fc00-e5a1-4947-a50e-9b9d3555383d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR