开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Abul Kalam Design Challenge (Local) NED Univer sity 2021\n\nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-secto r\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : \;\nThe Institute of Mechanical Engineers' NED Student Chapter is organizing the Abul Kalam Design Challe nge\, a competition structured along the lines of Design Challenge organiz ed by IMechE UK. The challenge involves the application of engineering kno wledge\, creativity and problem-solving skills to a certain problem. It re quires the participants to design and fabricate a device that completes th e prescribed challenge with the best performance among all competing teams ! This challenge is open for students from all universities. This is an ex cellent opportunity for them to develop their problem-solving and team-man agement skills and get some valuable hands-on experience\, while working o n a fun and rewarding project!\n\nContact Details: Talha Waseem\nTelephone : +923417609926\nAddress: Pakistan.\n\n Alternative Contact: Mohammad Affa n Khokhar\nTelephone: +923353454954\nAddress: Pakistan. DTEND:20210501T170000 DTSTAMP:20230627T124936Z DTSTART:20210501T090000 LOCATION:Online Event Pakistan\, Pakistan\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Abul Kalam Design Challenge (Local) NED University 2021 UID:51d3aa95-fdea-407c-9a28-1490c887eff5 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR