开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Carbon Capture Storage: Integrated Approach wi th Renewables and H2 in new Energy Transition Process\n\nEvent Type: Talk or debate\n\nIndustry Sector: Renewable energy\n\nSpeak Details: Speaker : Mr. Vishwas Shinde Managing Director Elixir Consultants Ltd\, UK\n\nDescr iption : Webinar On : \;&lsquo\;Carbon Capture Storage: Integrated App roach with Renewables and H2 in new Energy Transition Process'\n\nBy \ ;Mr. Vishwas Shinde Managing Director Elixir Consultants Ltd\, UK\n\nVishw as Shinde\, the Managing Director of Elixir Consultants UK Ltd is a 33-yea r experienced Chemical Engineer worked in various industrial sectors mainl y oil and gas\, chemical\, petrochemical\, refinery\, power plants and pla nt utilities. \;He came across with projects on Carbon Capture Storage and H2 \;production\, where he acquired very good understanding on th e technological aspects and the future way ahead.\n\n\nClick Here to join the event\n\n\n\nContact Details: Sunil C Panchbhai\nTelephone: 000000000 0 DTEND:20210501T180000 DTSTAMP:20230707T191334Z DTSTART:20210501T160000 LOCATION:Online Event\, India\, India SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Carbon Capture Storage: Integrated Approach with Renewables and H2 in new Energy Transition Process UID:cd89b9aa-1080-4a86-bef1-ee03d5bcee01 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR