开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Vehicle Type Approval and the Impact of the Ex it from the EU\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross- sector\n\nSpeak Details: Mark Aston\, managing director of\, Marque Approv ed Ltd\, with 20 years as chairmen of the SMMTs Specialist Car Manufacture rs Group\, is working to improve the understanding of the effects of Type Approval legislation on manufacturers using 40 years' experience.\n\nDescr iption : \nMark Aston\, during 28 years\nworking for the Morgan Motor Comp any Mark covered most areas of the business.\nWorking with Peter Morgan\, he was directly responsible for factory management\,\nemployment and devel opment. As Assistant Managing Director\, he also managed all\nareas of cus tomer service and purchasing. During the early 1990&rsquo\;s\, Mark\nswitc hed main roles to concentrate on successfully moving Morgan from National\ napproval to European Whole Vehicle Approval. Developing and testing all a reas\nof the car. Then taking them on to US and other markets.\n\n \;\ n\nAfter the death of Peter Morgan Mark left Morgan and formed Marque\nApp roved Limited\, \;which has been able to\nhelp a wide range of Compani es to develop their products and meet the\nincreasingly complicated approv al requirements. Approval to Single Vehicle\, Low\nVolume\, EU and US appr oval for L\, M\, Special Purpose\, N and O categories. With\n20 years as c hairmen of the SMMTs Specialist Car Manufacturers Group\, Mark is\nworking to improve the understanding of the effects of legislation on small\nmanu facturers and also the manufacturers understanding of the legislation\npro cess. Currently working through several committees on the revised European \nWhole Vehicle directive and other important changes using 40 years' expe rience\nwith small\, specialist and larger manufacturers\, Mark has been d irectly\ninvolved in formulating areas of the EU and National approval req uirements.\n\n \;\n\n\nThe talk will be hosted through \;Microsoft \;Teams and a link for the event will be sent out in the days leading up to the talk. \;This talk is brought to you by the IMechEs&rsquo\; South Lancashire Young Members Panel. \;For any event enquirers please contact the SLYMP Chair at lloyd.woodhouse@member.imeche.org.\n\nContact Details: Lloyd Woodhouse DTEND:20210616T190000 DTSTAMP:20230820T095446Z DTSTART:20210616T180000 LOCATION:Webinar\, Microsoft Teams\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Vehicle Type Approval and the Impact of the Exit from the EU UID:20ca6e48-384b-43f5-9aac-6ce5ea1e2305 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR