开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Controlling vibration and chatter to improve o utput in strip and sheet metal manufacturing\n\nEvent Type: Technical lect ure\n\nIndustry Sector: Manufacturing\n\nSpeak Details: Youssef Benhafsi\, Jacob McCormick and Florian Cabaret.\n\nApplications Engineers in Industr ial Vibration Analysis and Control at Farrat.\n\nDescription : This presen tation will explore the various sources of vibration that can affect strip marking in steel and aluminium rolling mills. Among these\, a common mark ing source is grinder chatter on the rolls\, even as micro-chatter that is invisible to the naked eye.\n\nReal case studies will be used to describe how these vibrations are addressed in practice\, both in terms of improvi ng the structural dynamics of rolling mills and grinding machines and also in providing the necessary tools such as monitoring systems that help the operators find the best conditions that minimise the occurrence of vibrat ions during rolling and grinding and Chatter_Detect that has proved invalu able in detecting invisible chatter marks on the finished roll.\n\nMoving downstream Farrat present findings from a 3 year research project explorin g the behaviour of presses running in different sites\, at different speed s supported by different vibration isolation systems.\n\n\nAfter registeri ng for this event\, an email will be sent out by the IMechE Switzerland pu licity officer approximately 24 hours before the start of the online event with the link to the MS Teams meeting. \; Registering later than this may mean you do not receive joining instructions.\n\nPlease note\, this o nline event is taking place in Switzerland and the starting time is 17:00C ET (16:00BST if joining from the UK) please check your local timezone diff erence if joining from elsewhere!\n\nContact Details: Oliver Farrell\nAddr ess: Switzerland.\n\n Alternative Contact: Toby Vickers\nAddress: Switzerl and. DTEND:20210624T180000 DTSTAMP:20231009T085655Z DTSTART:20210624T170000 LOCATION:Online\, Virtual event\, Switzerland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Controlling vibration and chatter to improve output in strip and sh eet metal manufacturing UID:10b9099d-fdbd-48a8-943b-dc3f302fa676 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR