开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - An Introduction to the IMechE: Free Membership for Apprentices and Students\n\nEvent Type: Professional development even t\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Alex Turnbull\, Busin ess Development Executive - Early Careers\n\nDescription : This webinar ha s been designed to help those who are just beginning their apprenticeship\ , degree or are part way through to provide an insight into the Institutio n\, how it can benefit you and the opportunities once qualified. This can lead onto to levels of registration such as EngTech\, IEng and CEng. \ ;\n\nWhat you'll be able to do at the end of this course:\n\n Understan d the opportunities \;within the industry that your apprenticeship pro vides\n Apply for free Affiliate Membership\n Access benefits such a s our World Class Library and more\n\nWho is Eligible to Attend:\nYou will need to be on a apprenticeship in an engineering discipline or on a degre e within engineering.\n\n\nRegister today\, our expert team can set you on \;the right path. \; \; \; \; \; \; &nbs p\; \; \; \; \;\nLocation:\n Webex Presentation follow ed by a 1-2-1 session on Microsoft Teams\, Skype or phone call if required .\nAttendance is free of charge. \nBooking:\nPre-registration is required. \; Book your place \;here\nIf you have any questions\, or are uns ure if this session is for you\, please get in touch with Alex Turnbull &n dash\; Alex.Turnbull@imeche.org. \;\n\nYou don't have to be a member of the Institution to participate\, so if you have a colleague/friend who would be interested please do share this information with them. \;\n\n Contact Details: Alex Turnbull\nTelephone: 07740 176983 \nAddress: Institu tion of Mechanical Engineers\, 1-3 Birdcage Walk\, Westminster\, London\, SW1H 9JJ\, United Kingdom.\n\n Alternative Contact: MDM (Membership Develo pment & Apprentices) DTEND:20210721T130000 DTSTAMP:20231103T002522Z DTSTART:20210721T120000 LOCATION:Webex meeting\, At home\, N/A\, N/A\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:An Introduction to the IMechE: Free Membership for Apprentices and Students UID:ca1e0a0d-7b0f-4816-bf02-a9ab493469c9 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR