开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Meet the Engineer: Ir. Ts. Norman Hua\n\nEvent Type: Careers & education\n\nIndustry Sector: Telecommunications\, commun ications & IT\n\nSpeak Details: Ir. Ts. Norman Hua spent over the last 15 years with Motorola Solutions. He transitioned to a project management rol e in 2018 and is currently a lead program manager delivering communication systems and solutions projects to mission critical and enterprise-based c ustomers in this region.\n\nDescription : \n\nWondering how can a mechanic al engineer be involved in the telecommunications industry? Want to know m ore what a does a lead program manager does in the telecommunications fiel d? Join this session to hear from Ir. Ts. Norman Hua who will be sharing w ith us his journey with Motorola Solutions.\n\nEvent Details:\n\nDate: 26t h June 2021 (Saturday)\nTime: 11.00am (+8 GMT)\; 30 minutes sharing sessio n\, followed by open Q&\;A session\nVia: MS Teams\n\nSpeaker's Bio:\n\n Ir. Norman Hua gritted his teeth and obtained a First Class degree from Un iversiti Sains Malaysia in 2005 despite not taking Physics in the Malaysia n Higher School Certificate. He endured 7 years of hustling and graduated with a Master in Engineering Science from University Malaysia in 2017 (par t-time). He has two publications with 2 ISI/SCI Q1 journals. \;\n\nOve r the last 15 years with Motorola Solutions\, he has accumulated a wealth of experience in mechanical components and system-level architecture desig n of mission-critical communication devices using 3D modeling (Creo\, Soli dWorks) and finite element analysis software (ABAQUS). He has designed mec hanical components such as large enclosures\, keypads\, control buttons an d antennas. He has directly contributed to the productization of more than 10 two-way radio products for Motorola Solutions\, both for public safety and consumer market space.\n\nIr. Norman Hua transitioned to a project ma nagement role in 2018 and is currently a lead program manager delivering c ommunication systems and solutions projects to mission critical and enterp rise-based customers in this region.\n\nIr. Norman Hua is a Professional E ngineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM)\, a Professional Techno logist with Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT)\, a Chartered Engineer with the Engineering Council and an ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer. \n\nIr. Norman Hua loves solving technical problems and innovating ideas. He has been issued 6 United States patents to date and won the Motorola So lutions Top Invention award in 2016. He has the burning passion for mentor ing engineering undergraduates\, coaching aspiring Chartered Engineers / P rofessional Engineers and giving talks at local universities to fulfill hi s childhood ambition of becoming a lecturer.\n\nContact Details: Choong Po oi Ying\nAddress: Malaysia. DTEND:20210626T120000 DTSTAMP:20230927T142828Z DTSTART:20210626T110000 LOCATION:Virtual event\, by webinar\, Malaysia\, TBC\, Malaysia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Meet the Engineer: Ir. Ts. Norman Hua UID:5a1986c5-1fdb-4978-9db1-e4cbb4f27185 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR