开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Welcome to the IMechE: Make the most of your E ngTech membership\n\nEvent Type: Professional development event\n\nIndustr y Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Jill Dwyer – Defence Liaison Offi cer\nAlex Turnbull – Business Development Executive (Early Careers)\n\nDes cription : \nThe Institution of Mechanical Engineers would like to extend a warm welcome to its new EngTech members. This session will provide the o pportunity to learn more about how to make the most of your membership and utilise the benefits to develop yourself professionally and reach your po tential.\n\nAs a member of the IMechE\, you are part of a large and divers e community of engineers across a wide range of sectors and industries. Yo u have a wealth of resources and opportunities \;you can tap into.&nbs p\;\nThis session will be a chance to find out more about these\nopportuni ties and to hear how IMechE has supported some of its members over\nrecent years.\n\n\n\n\n\nAgenda:\n\n12:00 &ndash\; 12:20 \;&ndash\; An Overv iew of IMechE benefits\, opportunities within the institution and how to m aximise your membership\n12:20 &ndash\; 12:30 &ndash\; Q &\; A from att endees\n12:30 &ndash\; Close\n\n\nWho is Eligible to Attend:\nAnyone who h as joined the IMechE as an EngTech member in the past year or who would li ke to find out more about how to make the most of their membership.\n\n\nL ocation: \;\n\nTeams\nAttendance is free of charge. \;\n\n\nBookin g:\n\nPre-registration \;is required. \; \;\nSecure your place by emailing \;Alex.Turnbull@imeche.org \;or Jill.Dwyer@imeche.org \n\nPlaces are limited so please book as soon as you can.\n\nContact Detai ls: Alex Turnbull\nTelephone: 07740 176983 \nAddress: Institution of Mecha nical Engineers\, 1-3 Birdcage Walk\, Westminster\, London\, SW1H 9JJ\, Un ited Kingdom.\n\n Alternative Contact: Jill Dwyer\nTelephone: 07590 735816 DTEND:20210921T123000 DTSTAMP:20230901T055856Z DTSTART:20210921T120000 LOCATION:Online\, Virtual\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Welcome to the IMechE: Make the most of your EngTech membership UID:67240a4a-7a27-473c-8eb0-8bdb7f7675d1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR